Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blind Item #3

This B list mostly movie actress who is on a hit almost television show said she would never be with a cheater again. She already went back once though to her actor boyfriend who cheats and he has not really stopped. She just doesn't know any other way though. The guy makes it pretty tough on her.


  1. Tricia1311:05 PM

    Robin wright/ben foster

  2. slim shady11:05 PM

    Robin Wright?

  3. Tricia1311:06 PM

    Ha jonx@SS

  4. slim shady11:12 PM

    jinx @Tricia!!

  5. Apparently Foster is an idiot.

  6. Malibuborebee7:27 AM

    Sure, Foster's a douche but apparently Robin Wright has a type. It's a pity, she could do a lot better than Foster. She could have done a lot better than Sean Penn, too - and I like Penn more than most of you do. She's in a hell of her own making and needs a shrink more than she needs a boyfriend.

  7. it took forever10:19 AM

    she really does like the losers

  8. Shhh...1:11 PM

    I used to have such a crush on Foster when he appeared in Flash Forward (mid-90s Disney show). Sad to hear he's an (alleged) jerk.

  9. cindy1:58 AM

    Thank u for mentioning flash forward! No one ever knows what om talking about when i mention it.

  10. If this is Robin then she deserves it. Maybe she likes being in dysfunctional relationships.
