Monday, January 05, 2015

Blind Item #2

The wife of this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who may win an Oscar this year says they still have not consummated their marriage. Well, they never had sex while they were dating so, I'm not sure what she expected.


  1. sandybrook10:46 PM

    Cumberbitch's wife may be preggers? But this is supposed to be him

  2. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Eddie Redymayne

  3. Tricia1310:47 PM

    Benedict isn't married sandy

  4. sandybrook10:53 PM

    well that is huge impedement.

  5. Erin B11:16 PM

    I wonder if Eddie will stay married once the Oscars are over.

  6. Tricia1311:24 PM

    Hey Erin. I would think so, might be a tad obvy if not:( however, if this is true- which I tend to think it is- he may just be asexual (though he's always pinged my gay dar), and she an eternal optimist!

  7. drunk chick11:45 PM

    In fairness to Eddie, I never thought their engagement or marriage as part of any oscar campaign. they got engaged last June or July, way before the oscar buzz. anyway, he came to mind upon reading this. hmmm tricia you are right. he seems asexual. and so does his wife.

  8. Good guess Tricia! I always get a gay vibe from him. Nothing manly about him to me.

  9. I'm 99.9% sure Cumberbatch is gay and Redmayne strikes me as asexual. How suspicious they both suddenly acquire a fiancee and a wife just when they want Oscars...

  10. Babble1:40 AM

    I like Eddie but it does seem, especially of late, that he's extremely ambitious. I say this based on his hard posing for promo photos and the way he's being styled to the nines.

    While sex, booze, drugs and money fuel most blinds, blind ambition and a desire for fame and power seem to be the true drivers of a celeb's push / fall.

  11. Tricia132:22 AM

    Thanks dani!

  12. Tricia132:22 AM

    Hmmm curious indeed-agreed!

  13. Chuchu3:14 AM

    Eddie and his wife always look like cousins on a prom date. He never pinged for me till he got married now it's all I see when I see him.

  14. Freya7:24 AM

    Didn't even know he was married. Geez...where have I been? lol

  15. Tricia137:29 AM

    Haha. Freya. Pretty sure he's not aware of it either, really- or what it's supposed to mean lol

  16. Jambalaya3:41 PM

    I have several points here:
    First I agree with drunk chick: they got engaged last June/July. Even though im sure they already have an idea that the hawkings movie will be a potential oscar entry at that time, it was too early to make an engagement part of the oscar campaign. And they've been together for 2 years. Very opposite of the human lizard cumberbatch. Dating only for a few months then getting engaged while promoting his movie. That one is too obvious.

    Next, i agree with Tricia and everyone that says here that eddie seems asexual. Although he's been rumored to have several girlfriends in the past, right now he seems focused only on himself and his career. Kinda like kanye. Lol! Anyways, he doesn't seem to exude that typical HW man vibe (douche). So if they havent consummated their marriage yet, at least the wife has this going for her.

    Last, I agree that he is too ambitious. He always says in interviews that he doesn't listen to talks of him being reigned as a potential oscar winner. But the way he acts in award shows, photo ops, premiers, he's got that politician pose, y'know? Like he's all about his appearance and his work and all. But I have to say that he is a pretty good actor. It is possible though that all his stance is due to a privileged upbringing.

    Hmmmm... So in summary, yeah, Eddie and Hanna. Lol! I just wanted to say all that.

  17. Tricia138:56 PM

    Good job@Jambalaya! Inthink you made sense of it all :)



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