Saturday, January 03, 2015

Blind Item #10

This A list mostly movie actress who has been caught up in some controversy the past two weeks is an Academy Award winner/nominee. She also bailed on an event for her movie because she thought it would be sending a horrible impression to be there while another guest was there who has a very public criminal record.


  1. sandybrook2:17 AM

    st Angie

  2. sandybrook2:17 AM

    Sorry Angie its St. Angie

  3. Tricia132:21 AM

    Amy Adams and Getting booted off the morning talk show.(Angie is A+)

  4. Tricia132:26 AM

    The event is the Capri Film Festival Premiere of Big Eyes, perhaps because Berlusconi was there.
    Or Polanski.

  5. French girl2:34 AM

    Or David O Russell who wins an award at Capri ( the criminal record may be his transexual niece's sexual assaut charge against him)

  6. sandybrook2:36 AM

    Was there anyone there with a clean record?? :(

  7. Tricia132:37 AM

    I don't think charges were filed in that case- but DOR could be?!

  8. Freya3:52 AM

    Yeah. I'm thinking Amy Adams for this one. If David O. Russell was at the event, he's a good guess. She was in his film, "American Hustle."

  9. Apple Tartin7:12 AM

    no charges were filed against David O. Russell he is just sentenced to life for being a creepy asshole.

  10. Vodianova12:15 PM

    Amy Adams. The event she bailed on was the Capri Film Festival. David O. Russell just won an American Icon award at the festival.

    She's already caught up in the Sony hack controversy, not only regarding the Today show pulling her interview but also the revelations about David O. Russell allegedly abusing her on set of American Hustle. So she probably figured attending an event alongside DOR would add more salt to the wound.

    DOR didn't face the charges that his niece filed against him, but it was very public. There was an investigation and everything not too long ago, plus it has recently been in the news again because it was referred to in one of the emails from the Sony hack.



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