Independent Spirit Awards Red Carpet
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:13 PM
Labels: Independent Spirit Awards
This former A list mostly movie/television actress is being cheated on by her husband. The husband says he has never been treated better than he is being treated by his girlfriend. I'm not sure why this couple even sticks together because of all the issues they have had in the past two years. 90% of the time they hate each other and then 10% of the time it is love and mushy.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: blind item
The husband of this A list mostly television actress from a very hit network show that everyone loves and is obsessed with got a ticket for drug possession last week. He gave a fake name so when that comes to light he will be looking at additional charges. This is not going to make our actress look good at all.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 AM
Labels: blind item
August 2, 2013
This former almost A list mostly television actress who is getting older, but is still gorgeous and has been linked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood must have forgotten to take her meds or she is back on the bottle. Apparently she thought her on and off actor boyfriend was cheating on her. He said it was a break. He also has several fewer intact windows after she saw a car in his driveway that belonged to another woman. Her key to his house no longer works, but her throwing arm does and she broke four or five windows before he could get outside to stop her. Hopefully he kept his date inside.
Heather Locklear/Jack Wagner
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former A-/B+ list mostly television actress from a now departed hit network show thought she struck pay dirt with her new guy. He likes her but he LOVES the porn star who looks just like our actress. Our actress should be careful because he is going condom free with a porn star and then doing the same with our actress.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item
August 4, 2013
This very pretty sometime model/B list singer/celebrity who has managed to come up with another very big hit song was on a flight yesterday when a 7 or 8 year old girl walked up to the singer and said that the singer was the girl's favorite singer and could she please have an autograph and photo. The singer, who was just playing on her iPad, told the little girl that she didn't sign autographs or pose for photos unless she is required to by her record label and that the little girl would probably just sell it on ebay and to leave her alone.
Lana Del Rey
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This boozing former A list tweener who is still an A list celebrity/singer thought it would be love and unicorns when she hooked up with this A list band member last week. She flew halfway around the world and after spending a few hours with him he wanted no part of her. He said she is shallow and wanted to go out so they could be seen together and started making plans for the next few months together. It was too much for him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
August 1, 2013
This A list mostly movie actress who used to be A++ list got in touch with this A list mostly movie actor who she had a brief fling with when they made a movie a few years back. She called him to congratulate him and then said she was in town on a whim and they should meet for coffee. So, he left his significant other at a difficult time to have coffee and a two hour romp in a hotel room with the actress before she flew back home to her husband.
Julia Roberts/Javier Bardem
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This B list mostly television actress who has been on a hit show forever has given up trying to slow down the cheating of her husband. She has admitted defeat and only asks that he not do it right in front of her. Good luck with that considering he was across the room from her at a party getting numbers and even was making out with one. He is such a tool.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind item
August 2, 2013
Before I even get into the details, I want all of you to know this will be revealed. It deserves to be.It needs to be. It is a sad sad tale. An actress, she thought she was going to be huge. She thought she was going to be a big big movie star. Everyone told her she would be. Agents and managers. Boyfriends and producers. Everyone wanted to be her and with her and she was golden. She listened to their words instead of words that wiser people told her. I used to know this actress. She was amazing. She did have that it quality. The thing is so do a bunch of other people in this town and they are willing to work for it. Our actress wanted it handed to her. Diva does not begin to describe her. Well, one very bad decision and our actress went from a nice solid B who was shooting for an A to an actress who is living off some perceived fame she had a decade ago and trying to make a living acting, but not doing a very good job at it. Sure, she makes enough money for the SAG insurance to kick in at the highest level. Good thing too. Since her fall from grace, our actress has enjoyed the company of booze, drugs and some really bad choices when it comes to men.
Her sometime boyfriend also thought he was going to be an A lister. Everyone told him he would be and he believed them and had much the same tale as our actress. Our actor loved booze and drugs and loved throwing his weight around and loved throwing around women too. He loved nothing more than getting some coke and a woman and ordering her around for the night. It was inevitable that these two would hook up. Their drug crossed paths meeting several years ago. Both of them washed out. He was hanging on better than her. Guys can look rough. Women can't. Not in this business. her drug use was just getting to that tipping point where there was no return. Neither of them had a ton of money, but at the time she still had looks. Not movie looks, but really good looks for the rest of the world. Escorting. He would set it up. At first she went through an agency and would give him some money and the rest was for drugs. They got tired of sharing money with the agency though so he took over. He ended up keeping most of it and would beat her if he thought she was holding out on him. Pretty soon her drug face was not even good enough for escorting. She was not street walker material yet, but she was offering 15 minute specials which is almost there. He would be in the bathroom or outside the hotel room door while she was with guys and to get his cut. The dealer was never far behind. The amazing thing is she did keep getting some roles. She does work. She is just not getting the roles she thought she would get. What keeps her working is that she is a very good actress. When the acting money runs out though, she is turning tricks and earning a buck and our actor is never far behind, always looking for his cut and still beating her if he feels slighted by her.
Edward Furlong/Monica Keena
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A list everything who is what Sean Combs wishes he could be got into an argument with this A list mostly movie actor. It turns out that about a year ago our A list everything had sex with the daughter of the A list actor but didn't know it was the actor's daughter until the next morning when she told him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind item
August 1, 2013
This celebrity/reality brother and sister team got into a huge fight this week because the sister was jealous of one of her brother's most recent conquests. He slept with one of her girlfriends and she was jealous. I don't understand because she is not bisexual or a lesbian. So, the only reason she could be jealous is if she wanted her brother all for herself? Eww. especially eww when you know who I am discussing.
Julianne and Derek Hough
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A+ list mostly movie actor is having sex with one of the nannies of this A list mostly movie actress. Both are Academy Award winners/nominees. It figures he would be having sex with the nanny since he was the one who arranged to hire her. He was trying to be helpful.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind item
September 26, 2013
This former almost A list mostly television actor who barely works as an actor at night any longer is back at screwing with the head of this A list celebrity/reality star again. Our actor hooked up with a waitress this past week and while they were both naked after sex he took a call from our celebrity and said he wasn't doing much and that he couldn't wait to see her later and then he hung up and wanted sex with the waitress again who called him a sleaze and left. he then asked if she had any friends who would be interested.
Wilmer Valderrama/Demi Lovato
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born B list athlete/celebrity/model and frequent dumpee of other celebrities was getting paid a lot of money to meet people the other day. Our celebrity was getting paid almost $50K for an hour of meet and greet but refused to take photos with fans and after the first ten fans came by refused to even pose for any more photos by herself. She said she didn't feel comfortable and would need to be paid more. She was the biggest pain in the world.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
There were not many drugs that Philip Seymour Hoffman didn't have in his body at the time of his death. yesterday the Chief Medical Examiner in NYC said that Hoffman's body contained cocaine, heroin, amphetamine, and benzodiazepines (Valium). Hoffman died from this group of drugs which he was speedballing. This is the same way that John Belushi and Chris Farley died.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Claudia says that she was offer $1.5M for one night of sex from an Arab prince. She turned it down because she says that money isn't everything. She also said that another super model she knows, did take the money. Who would have had the same level of fame as Claudia when she was at her peak and also would be willing to take the money. Maybe Claudia wasn't attracted to the guy because she is not known for being shy when it comes to bedroom activities. She used to have public sex with David Copperfield. As in people watched them. This was not hidden away somewhere.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: Claudia Schiffer
I can't say that I have passed out on a casino floor. I have passed out on hotel convention room floors. There have been too many nights to count where it was far too much effort to climb into a bed when all one needed to do is fall down to the floor. George Lopez was arrested for public intoxication. He passed out on the floor of a casino in Windsor, ON shortly after performing a show there. I'm sure it is not the first time it has happened. It won't be the last. He just happens to be a guy who has a kidney donated by his ex-wife who he dumped in favor of a string of hookers that destroyed his marriage and if you noticed, also hasn't kept him in good standing with his former bff Sandra Bullock. I'm pretty sure that getting so hammered that a casino floor looks inviting is probably not good for the new kidney.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: George Lopez
Every dress worn by Academy Award winners for Best Actress. If they showed up.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:41 PM
Labels: Alec Baldwin , Britney Spears , Carrie Fisher , Cate Blanchett , Demi Lovato , Karina Smirnoff , Selena Gomez , Wilmer Valderrama
The amazing Dennis Haysbert.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:31 PM
Labels: Elle Fanning , Emmy Rossum , Eva Amurri , Eva Mendes , Gerard Butler , Gisele Bundchen , Rihanna
Is there an Artists For War because their buffet is probably better. Open bar too.
Vanessa Hudgens
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:21 PM
Labels: Jon Hamm , Kate Beckinsale , Kellan Lutz , Maria Bello , Nick Jonas , Rumer Willis , Vanessa Hudgens
It's obvious that Hugh Jackman's daughter has dancing fever. Or has to pee.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:11 PM
Labels: Angelina Jolie , Christina Milian , Gilles Marini , Heidi Klum , Hugh Jackman , John Mayer , Julianne Hough , Kelly Ripa , Kristin Chenoweth
This relationship I predicted would make it to next year is struggling because the B list mostly movie actress cheated on her actor boyfriend with the writer/producer/star of one of her upcoming movies which won't be as good as the original.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:05 PM
Labels: blind item
Five parts today.
You just know that an American Hustle party is going to have a lighted dance floor red carpet thing. Amy Adams at Oscar pre-party #23 for the week.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Adrian Grenier , Amy Adams , David Boreanaz , Emily Deschanel , Melora Hardin , Sarah Michelle Gellar , Winona Ryder
This former B list mostly movie actor who is now an A list f**up really messed up this time. His girlfriend had an emergency and had to call 911 and go to the hospital and this actor was a strip club drunk out of his mind and didn't know about the situation for hours after she went.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This C+ list mostly television actor just got his big break. Got a network television show. He better hope he can settle with those two women he is accused of assaulting last year or he is going to be unemployed. The network has no idea about his past.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
I feel for you Duluth. Wow that is a lot of snow. Is it like that every year?
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: video
This barely hanging on to A list mostly movie actor has been in the news a lot the past year. Yesterday he had sex with his girlfriend in the sauna at a gym and then made her stay in the locker room surrounded by guys while he showered.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Forget wine of the month club. What I need is a liquor of the day club.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: Off Topic
September 30, 2013
This A+ list celebrity found out over the weekend that all of the rumors about her A+ list celebrity husband and his cheating ways over the years was true. She had a private detective follow up on some of the accusations that have been made by him. He delivered the news on Saturday.
Miranda Lambert/Blake Shelton
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The last Friday in February and it continues to rain here in LA. The Academy Awards are on Sunday and I will be blogging all weekend. On Sunday I will have several posts for the pre-show and the show itself. If you are gone until Monday I hope you will show up on Monday morning to enjoy the reports from the multitude of Oscar parties I will have people covering. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer.
This actress was A+ list back in the day. Incredible actress. Beautiful. had everything going for her. She skyrocketed to fame and was gone in an instant. Academy Award winner/nominee. She also was being blackmailed. The entire time in LA she was basically forced to work. Her sister was back home in another country and was threatened with death unless our actress not only worked and sent money back home but also had to have sex with several well known gentleman in LA who had very specific kinks that she could fulfill. After a few years in LA and constantly working and even being forced to marry one of the men who basically had been raping her every day and night for years, her sister was killed or committed suicide. No one is quite sure. As soon as that hold was removed over her life our actress ran to another country and divorced her husband and never acted again. At the peak of her fame, she was gone forever.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Old Hollywood Blind Item
Are you more interest in the Oscar show or the red carpet shows?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
September 26, 2013
I'm always fascinated when I hear about a couple hooking up that is so out of the realm of anything you could have imagined and then to hear about this threesome is something that took a few minutes to process. It happened back in the day although two of the three people involved are A list but back then only one of the three was A list and he just barely. Let me give you the cast of characters in this one. The two women are the same women just a few years apart. Not exactly the same woman because one is way louder than the other. #1 was a B list actress at the time. Now she is probably C+. She knew #2 from some work they had done together on a television show and #2 was starting to make a name for herself. Now she is an A list diva and likes to think of herself as someone who is multi-talented. Well, she was pretty talented back in the day according to #3 who is an A list mostly movie actor now from a huge huge movie franchise who used to be in a huge huge television franchise. #1 and #3 made a movie together and hooked up and a couple of times #2 came along for some threesome fun. #3 is not shy about sharing the story if you ask.
#1: Rosie Perez
#2: Jennifer Lopez
Television show: "In Living Color"
#3: Woody Harrelson
#1 & #3 movie: "White Men Can’t Jump"
Movie franchise: "Hunger Games"
Television franchise: "Cheers"
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 19, 2013
This now married model who is a celebrity more for who she used to date and who she is married to says that she never touched the peen of this A+ list celebrity/rapper despite them going out forever. She would like to make clear though that she has seen it.
Amber Rose/Guy who shouldn't be mentioned until at least tomorrow
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 18, 2013
This married A+ list actor who is only A because of his franchise was approached by a 10 or 11 year old boy who wanted to ask a question about our actor's franchise role. The actor looked at the parent of the kid and said, "You should tell your son to not bother people," and walked away. The actor had just been standing on a street corner waiting to cross at the light. Not on the phone and not with anyone.
Daniel Craig
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This actress was probably B list back in the day but she married into an A++ list Hollywood family. Traces of that A list family are everywhere still today throughout Beverly Hills and portions of their life are tour stops for the buses. Anyway, this actress caught her husband cheating on her for the millionth time and already had a life threatening STD she caught from him. They got into a fight and he poisoned her. He paid off police and walked away with nothing but his infected peen and a new girlfriend a few days later.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item , Old Hollywood Blind Item
This A list actress at the time was everywhere and did everything. She also was extremely jealous. When she thought that this A+ list movie actor who is still considered A+ today was stealing her girlfriend she tried to kill the actor. Despite making lots of movies together they never made another after that and the girlfriend of the actress later became the wife of the actor.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item , Old Hollywood Blind Item
Why yes, that was a woman entering and staying in the suite for several hours at the Ritz Carlton over on the east coast. Apparently she was hired for her looks and discretion by this now A- list celeb/singer who is still married.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list photographer has always been a pig but he used to have someone watching him to make sure he was less of a pig. That person isn't there any longer and unless you are a celebrity the only way this photographer will take your photo is if you give him sex of some kind. He usually records the sex and the model telling the camera it is consensual.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
TMZ is reporting that Joanna Krupa of Real Housewives-Miami fame, who also used to have sex with Joe Francis and other equally wonderful human beings while she made a living back in the day is having her home foreclosed. Despite being married to someone who is allegedly rich Joanna hasn't been paying for her Encino home she purchased prior to getting married and the house is going up for auction. How many of these Housewives actually have money? It seems like most of them are just people who would look good on television and can bring a story line. Even going back to the first season of Orange County, there have always been a fair share who are just rich looking and spend like they are rich but don't have any actual money. Remember when Taylor Armstrong got busted trying to sell fake Birkins? Most of the Housewives seem more leveraged than a guy who uses junk bonds to buy a company. I think the entire franchise is on its last legs. The only thing keeping it going are all the negative stories that get posted and printed during each season. The real fun is the stuff going on behind the scenes whether it is in Atlanta with Phaedra or New Jersey with Teresa that really shows you how they keep living large or at least pretending to be. It is kind of like when MTV would go visit Cribs and you saw these huge houses (most leased) and cars (most leased) and I would love MTV to go back and do a Cribs revisited show and look at every person and see what they are doing today and where they are living.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: Real Housewives
This Academy Award winning actress is being watched by her kids on a daily basis. There is someone in the house with her or they make her go visit one of the kids because the actress has been relapsing on a fairly regular basis and is in bad shape mentally and physically. Too much drama about her marriage.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The world needs more statements from Leah Remini. It needs statements from her about every day she spent in Scientology. The world needs this because Leah spent every second not at work at the Church from the time she was a teen. She also has a certain standing and public profile which not only gives her a forum for speaking but also a measure of safety against any retaliation from Scientology that might befall another less well known member who tried to make the same type of statements. When Leah was a member of Scientology I didn't have many nice things to say about her. It takes a ton of courage to walk away from that group. It takes even more courage to talk about what happened because you know that every word you say is going to invite an attack against you and your family.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:15 AM
Labels: Leah Remini , Scientology
This former franchise movie actor who thought he was going to have one of his own was complaining the other night that because his new movie is a bomb, the good looking actor is going to have to go back to sleeping with producers for parts. He thinks maybe this time he can try for women since the men didn't give him any good roles.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This former B list reality star celebrated his return to the show that made him famous by convincing a woman the other night to have sex with him and his brother. I guess she really thinks it could make her famous.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A list pop star who used to always be at the top of the charts broke her marriage vows two nights ago because she wanted to have sex with one of her television idols. The fact he has not had a hit on the air since she was an early teen didn't stop her. Apparently she watched the teen drama every week and was not going to miss out on a chance.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Ashton Kutcher is going to give this whole marriage thing another chance. For almost two years Ashton and Mila Kunis have been dating and apparently she sees in him something the entire movie going public of the world doesn't see and has agreed to be his wife. Yesterday Mila was spotted wearing an engagement ring and I doubt it is a fake because do you really want rumors of yourself marrying Ashton Kutcher if they aren't true. Except for some reports back when they first started dating he has pretty much kept his cheating ways out of the equation and focused his extra energy on delivering quality movies to audiences. Hey, at least he seems pretty good at the dating thing. They seem pretty happy together and this is despite the fact that Mila and Ashton both are pretty busy. Huh. I guess when you are busy and want to be with each other schedules can be accommodated. However it also sounds like a great excuse if things go sour prior to the wedding in a cornfield in Iowa with life size cutouts of Ashton as ushers and groomsmen. It may not sound like it, but I'm happy for them. I'm always going to be a fan of true love.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: Ashton Kutcher , Mila Kunis