Monday, December 08, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Academy Award Winner War

These two actors are A+ list. Totally different kinds of actors and two totally different kinds of personalities. They are also at war with each other. They do not like each other and the bad blood goes a long way back. They both have Academy Awards. None of this nominee/winner stuff. They both have wins. To make things easy when talking about them we will call the older, more experienced actor BF and we will call the younger, better looking actor SF. Through most of their careers, despite his lofty status, BF usually buys his sex rather than getting with groupies because he wanted discretion. He was married for a long time. This is where the war started. His former wife was an actress and she did and does a lot of charity work. She was involved in a charity with SF and the two have f**ked each other for years. SF found out about it and even though he screwed everything that came in front of him it was not ok for his wife. What also contributed to this was the A list rapper turned actress who BF hooked up with from time to time also hooked up with SF. There are rumors that BF's daughter has also hooked up with SF. I doubt it though because of the age. BF is also clueless that his current actress girlfriend had sex with SF for a month on the set of a movie but he found her wanting and dumped her before production was over. SF is waiting until the Golden Globes or Oscars to whisper that little tidbit in the ear of BF.


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