Friday, December 12, 2014

Four For Friday- Needs Help Badly

It is Friday. We are less than two weeks from Christmas and less than three weeks from Reveal Day. It is that glorious time of the year where no matter how many times you go to the store, you always forget something and go back to get it and end up spending more than you thought you would. well, if you do take a break from your holiday preparations, I will be here all weekend and if you would like to have your photo included in Random Photos and on Reveal Day then just e-mail it to If you would like to follow me on Feedly, click the green button up at the top. Oh, and Twitter. I am @entylawyer.

This actress is probably B-. She could probably be higher, but she is distracted by being a teen and not deciding what she wants to do. She is multi-talented and is having trouble picking the thing she enjoys most. That is not the reason she is in this blind. She is here because she is in big trouble. Worse than Amanda Bynes trouble. On the edge of a breakdown at least and suicide at worst. For the past five years she has been exploited and used and discarded. It all started when she was about 14 and got involved with a producer three times her age who she thought was going to be with her forever. He screwed her mind over and she has never recovered. There was the rebound with the guy who got her hooked on drugs so she would relax enough to let him record her and photograph her with him naked and having sex and doing other things she can't even discuss. These past encounters has led her to fall in love in a day or even a few hours with someone she just met. She feels as if she does not sleep with someone immediately they will leave her. Now that she is legal she is doctor shopping on a regular basis and combines several different kinds of pills with other drugs and booze even though she can't legally buy it. She spends days awake and writing and wasted and then days asleep coming down. Her acting has slowed down. Her behavior has become more unstable. She is in trouble.



  1. tricia132:15 AM

    JeanEtte Mcurdy

  2. Wendy2:18 AM

    Abigail Breslin

  3. Wendy2:19 AM

    jeanette is 22, not a teen

  4. sandybrook2:20 AM

    Jeannette's not a teen. She's 22. Dakota Fanning maybe?

  5. MontanaMarriott2:22 AM

    Bella Thorne

  6. I agree with Abigail guess.

  7. Tricia132:30 AM

    Bella is 17( not legal) and her career is accelerated
    Abigail only acts( isn't a multi talent hyphenate).

  8. Tricia132:32 AM

    Victoria Justice

  9. MountainFive2:34 AM

    Miranda Cosgrove. She looks ill.

  10. Wendy2:34 AM

    That's not true Tricia, Abigail just released a song. She's my guess.

  11. Wendy2:34 AM

    Victoria justice is 21, not a teen

  12. Wendy2:34 AM

    Dakota Fanning is 20, not a teen anymore either

  13. Tricia132:36 AM

    I'll go with Abigail then- had no idea she dud music. I do know she threw shade at taylor swift( petty funny!)
    Must be her

  14. Tricia132:37 AM

    I agree!! Lol

  15. Dexamyl2:37 AM

    Bella was on something the other day and seemed wound particularly tight.

  16. Wendy2:39 AM

    She just released the one song, so it makes sense that it says "still trying to figure out what she wants to do"

  17. Karen2:39 AM

    According to the blind, she's 19.

  18. Wendy2:40 AM

    Another guess is Zendaya, she's 18 as well, but I still think it's Breslin

  19. Wendy2:55 AM

    The blind just says "now that she's legal" so i'm guessing she's either 18-19 because she's still a teen

  20. cebii3:31 AM

    Where are the parents of these kids while they're "working"? I wish someone would charge the parents and producers and whoever the hell is supposed to be responsible for the kids. And the people who sell them drugs and the statutory rapists. What the hell? Money talks too loudly.

  21. Justin6:15 AM

    Hooked up with a producer three times her age at 14? That really covers A LOT of ground, but the biggest (& I mean biggest. Dude's always been a fat fuck) kiddie t.v. producer for A LOT of years now is Dan Schneider, who produces for Nickelodeon. So that narrows your list a bit. Jeannette McCurdy seems relatively stable, Miranda Cosgrove BOLTED for UC-Berkley at the end of iCarly, so that really leaves Victoria Justice and Arianna Grande. Personally, I pick Grande. Tales told depict Justice as enough of a hardass bitch that it'd be mutual use for mutual benefit in any relationship she was in. And Grande's been around skeevy Swedish teenypop scumbags since she was like 11 according to Rolling Stone. And if she's got a drug habit, that terminally spaced out persona suddenly makes a lot more sense . . .

  22. Karen8:49 AM

    Well, it says it started at 14, and it's been going on for 5 years, so that would make her 19.

  23. Calling any of those Disney/Nickelodeon twats talented is a real stretch, so no way does multi-talented apply in any case. So Abigail comes closest

  24. it took forever11:25 AM


  25. Justin:
    Is Miranda Cosgrove. She doesn't know how to do with her life and career.

  26. Fireflies8:42 AM

    I really don't think it's Abigail. She's got siblings in the biz - I think that would be mentioned. Same for the Fannings.
