Saturday, December 06, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 7, 2014

Most of the time a show runner is desperate to get their pilot picked up by a network. This time though, the show runner was hoping it wouldn't be. After working with the B list mostly television comic actress with A list name recognition on the pilot and all the demands and attitude during filming, no one was looking forward to working with our actress again. Now that the series has been picked up, the show runner is looking to find another job.

Debra Messing


  1. If it's his/her show why can't they have her fired?

  2. Dudette5:01 AM

    They need to stop hiring her and Katherine Heigl in the first place. Someone always gives them another chance, then we hear nothing but complaints about how diva they are.

  3. it took forever7:13 AM

    her name brings in viewers
