Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 4, 2014

This former B list mostly television actor from a long long running network hit that is finally on its last legs gave away most of his money to a church and is essentially homeless. Millions gone.

Angus T Jones


  1. what an idiot.

  2. D Brown1:49 AM

    Should still be making money from residuals but I suppose you could sign those away as well.

  3. Wednesday1:51 AM

    Knew this was coming when he was doing videos bad mouthing the show for his church. He should just go to college & try to grow up abit, get some real world experience.

  4. Jessica Larson2:06 AM

    They say kids either go the same way as their parents or go the exact opposite way. Wondering if growing up around Charlie Sheen made him go the opposite way.

  5. Tricia132:09 AM

    Very valid observation@Jessica. He spent more time with sheen and tutors than his own family I bet.

  6. Greeandblackleaves7:42 AM

    If this us true it's very sad. Then one has to ask what one considers poor? There is still hope and we should hope the best for him.

  7. I blame Charlie.
