Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 14, 2014

This Real Housewife is keeping the money she earns, in a separate account away from her husband because she doesn't trust him. He has taken all of her money before and knows he will do it again. Not Teresa. Not anyone in NYC or Beverly Hills.

Cynthia Bailey


  1. aemish1:48 AM

    That guy is such a skurve.

  2. MontanaMarriott1:53 AM

    Finally she is thinking like a business woman. That dude is going to be her downfall!

  3. aemish2:01 AM


  4. Studio543:08 AM

    Why she married that leech I'll never understand. He will spend every last cent she earns if he had half a chance. I don't think he's made a dime on his own during the time they have been together.

  5. Habibti3:30 AM

    Good girl! He is a terrible businessman and he is manipulative. I think he is behind the Cynthia and Nene fued. Those girls were best friends until man bitch Peter got jealous.

  6. selenakyle5:32 AM

    And he once told one of the other husbands he'd "side with his kids every time," over siding with his wife if the situation ever arose.

  7. If she divorces him she'll need to pay alimony.



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