Sunday, December 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 20, 2014

This comedian turned actor turned a lot of everything has been married forever. He has starred in movies and television and did I say he has been married forever? He is hooking up with someone who was born after he got married. I don't think he has ever been a blind. He might have been a Kindness though a couple of years ago, because he does some very good deeds. Cheating on his wife is not one of them.

Chris Rock


  1. sandybrook10:31 PM

    And here we go.....

  2. Tricia1310:33 PM

    Yep. Let the reveals "Rock n Roll"!

  3. So his girlfriend is 18-years old....maybe 19....
    I feel sorry for his wife and daughters. Nothing worse than having your father date someone closer to your age. And nothing worse for a wife who stood by her husband for 19 years being cheated on him w/ a little girl who was born when you first got married. I'm sorry but 18 years old is still very young, very immature and in my mind still a little girl w/ big dreams and big aspirations. She probably still puts a pillow case over her head and pretends she's getting married to CR and writes "Mrs. Rock" all over her notebooks w/ cute little hearts.

  4. **by him
    ...not on him.

  5. Wednesday10:39 PM

    This has gotta burn for his wife though. You meet & marry & have kids. Build a life together & support him, think your gonna grow old together. He becomes seriously rich & famous, starts fucking teenagers.

  6. it took forever10:41 PM

    wow @ Wednesday, so true so true

  7. Tricia1310:44 PM

    I would say it's definitely gotta be rough- but there could be a lifestyle that she grew accustomed to, and then sorta "checked out" of the marriage a bit (romantically etc). We can never know what goes on- I hope the kids are okay with it and that the adults here- behave as such.

  8. drunk chick11:04 PM

    I never understood why people would marry actors and actresses. Or any kind of celebrity. The "true love" factor doesn't play out for everyone, and there's always temptation, money/fame and no privacy. Anyway, if this is the case, then it's good they are finally divorcing. Most especially for the wife. Cant imagine being cheated on.

  9. That would be the man bites dog scenario.

  10. Princess Demandy-Pants11:52 PM

    Agreed. No way, no how, no amount of money. I could never envision being married to anyone famous on any level.

  11. RahRahRah12:58 AM

    I may as well do something else for a bit, since it's obviously going to be Chris Rock Reveal Day.

  12. Penelope 23:54 AM

    This one really upset me...1. because I felt he and his wife were solid, but now 2. because according to this, his mistress is less than 18.

  13. This has nothing to do with fame/money. Chris Rock doesn't seem like a serious philanderer. Most likely what happened was she probably didn't want to have sex with him anymore. Maybe she didn't sleep with him for a while now. That made him cheat. He didn't feel loved and wanted anymore.
    Most men are extremely simple. We have very few needs. As a matter of fact we have less needs than most animals. We want a place to stay that has a ceiling, a bathroom, a bed (the basic stuff), friends and a vagina ready to explore. That's ALL what we REALLY want and need. Women want the world. Wait that's not true. Actually they want the whole universe. There has never been a content women in the history of mankind. Men and women are not made for long relationships. We're too different.
    So why would he want to stay with someone that doesn't love him anymore? He's not stupid and he's not a masochist (those two things go hand in hand). I don't know if he has kids but they are probably grown ups now. There are no reasons. Of course he would cheat. I'd probably cheat as well if I was in that situation.
    If you want to keep your man have sex with him. A lot. That's the thing we most desire in life and that's the truth. It's really just that simple.

  14. Wendy6:42 AM

    Didn't read most of it but Chris Rock's kids are 12 and 10, not grown ups at all, and probably know exactly what he did.

  15. detnow3591:00 AM

    I'm surprised they lasted this long. Remember she was going to divorce him a number of years ago but they reconciled. Don't forget his paternity case a number of years ago too. He admitted to the affair but said the child wasn't his and if I remember correctly it wasn't. Kid was around the same age as his girls so thar had to sting.

    There had been other allegations of cheating as well.

  16. detnow3591:00 AM


  17. Kelton10:25 PM

    It's bullshit that all of the possible explanations start with "maybe his wife won't have sex with him anymore." One, HE is cheating on her, and nothing that she does or may do can justify or excuse that. Two, If he didn't want to be married to her, he should have divorced her. Three, I'd like to see if, in five years, he'd be okay with his elder daughter dating a 50 year old man. Four, Although we have no idea about the truth of this, if his wife doesn't want to have sex with him, I could hardly blame her; he's cheating on her? Who's to say he's being safe about it and using condoms? How can you have a serious conversation about protection from STDs with somebody who isn't honest about his behavior? Five, Dating a teenager at his age is a disgrace. He's behaved poorly all around.



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