Saturday, December 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #10

January 9, 2014

This B list celebrity/talk show host/reality star hasn't had sex with her husband since she gave birth many months ago. She says now they have a baby he is just going to have to get used to that.

Tamar Braxton


  1. sandybrook2:19 AM

    oh I'm sure he will get used to that.

  2. sugarbread maker2:30 AM

    Isn't Vincent gay anyway??
    Doesn't he buy her rent a boys and like
    To watch and then touch the boys???
    That's what I thought??

  3. montanamarriott3:25 AM

    I think she is preggers again, saw her recently wearing black and she looked huuuge lol

  4. Murphy3:26 AM

    Thats a good way to get yourself divorced quick.

  5. cowbulls1:33 PM

    Dumbass. He will go elsewhere and might find it better.
