Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Blind Item #5

The wife of this permanent A+ list singer/musician had a disagreement with an employee in the building where they live and refused to tip any of the employees of the building for the holidays unless the offending employee was fired. Apparently he didn't see her coming in time and missed opening the door for her. Last year she tried to pull the same trick but her husband came through with $1K for every employee. This time though she says she will divorce him if he tries to go around her.


  1. Stephie11:49 PM

    Sting and Trudie

  2. Tricia1311:50 PM

    Bruce Sprigsteen

  3. John Legend? (not sure he is A+).

  4. Tricia1311:51 PM


  5. MontanaMarriott11:53 PM

    McCartney's new wife who was on the MTA board here in NYC

  6. MontanaMarriott11:54 PM

    Nancy Shevell

  7. Springsteen doesn't live in a NYC apartment building. He lives on a farm in NJ.

  8. Wednesday12:05 AM

    McCartney's new wife sounds right.

    Thought people like Trudie.

  9. Whoever it is, I doubt she is going to divorce or she would have done so last year. These "wives" kill me acting like they are the important ones, lol. Without her husband she is a nobody.

  10. oogabooga12:14 AM

    McCartney needs to stop getting married. You ain't never gonna find another Linda, Paul.

  11. The 10th Doctor12:17 AM

    Definitely not Trudie. She and Sting live in a pretty lavish house in the UK, not a doorman building.

    I like the Legend guess as his wife comes across as pretty full of herself.

  12. I'm definintely feeling Mrs. McCartney here. John Legend isn't permanent A+ list and I think his wife would be described as a celebrity in her own right as well.

  13. Stephie12:43 AM

    Sting and Trudie also have a penthouse apartment in NYC.

  14. Jessica Larson1:26 AM

    Legend is probably more B to most people, and his wife would be listed as model wife.

  15. Jonathan Andrew Sheen2:55 AM

    Go around her, dude, get a twofer. Not only do you make your building employees love you, you get rid of that creep as a bonus!

  16. hothotheat7:13 AM

    I think this is Trudie. She's a producer now too in addition to being Mrs. Sting. She's very full of herself.
