Monday, December 15, 2014

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is probably an A now, but only in certain circumstances. Acting family and very well liked he has a problem with condoms. He is currently shuttling between promoting a new movie and taking two different women to doctor appointments because they are pregnant. He is working on a handful of kids now all from different moms. One of the two this time is still in her teens.


  1. Tricia1311:31 PM

    Michael Douglas?

  2. mish-mash11:33 PM

    Owen Wilson

  3. Tricia1311:33 PM

    Yes! Great one

  4. mish-mash11:33 PM

    or Hugh Grant

  5. Hemsworth?

  6. Oh yes, Owen!

  7. mr. Knowitall11:37 PM

    Owen Wilson?

  8. mish-mash11:37 PM

    Off Topic

    Did you see the photo's on LAINEY of Pitt and 3 of the kids ? Look at Shiloh, now I don't like talking about how kids dress, but this is so wrong…so wrong.

  9. Well liked probably means Owen. Just throwing Nic Cage out there as a possibility.

  10. Tricia1311:50 PM

    @mish mash- did not see photos,but I know she tends to dress very androgynous correct? She has since she was a toddler, more or less I think

  11. archive_mama11:55 PM

    @mish-mash- I saw the pictures and don't see anything wrong with it. They let her dress the way she wants to dress and aren't pushing her to wear a suit (or at least that's my take since their younger daughter is often in dresses). There's nothing wrong with accepting who she is and what style preferences she has.

  12. mish-mash11:57 PM

    yes, but this is worse hair slicked back….if I didn't know she was a girl I'd think she was a boy…

  13. Greengrl11:59 PM

    Agree with the Owen guesses.

    @Mish Mash: to each their own. If that is how she chooses to dress than kudos to Brange for supporting it. As long as this isn't being forced on her, what's the problem?

  14. mish-mash, better to let her dress how she wants and have healthy self-esteem and trust in her parents than make her dress like a girl and have her messed up and flirting with suicide in ten years. It happens all the time.

  15. suspicouspackage12:03 AM

    What the hell is wrong with it? I think your attitude is wrong.

  16. suspicouspackage12:04 AM

    Oh no! The world had better adjust to make itself easier for mish-mash to understand! Get on it, outside world!

  17. drunk chick12:05 AM

    Mish Mash, she's been like that ever since. Im actually okay with it. Yeah it makes her look like a boy, but she's a child and if she's comfortable wearing what she wears, then I think there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think her parents are forcing that on her. Maybe they noticed that she's more comfy wearing boyish outfits, so they let her be.

  18. hothotheat12:15 AM

    I hope this isn't Owen.

  19. @mishmash I’m all for letting the kids be themselves and embrace their choices without any pressure, thank god we’re not in 1850 anymore. BUT, concern is that being Angelina a well known attention seeker and media manipulator, I wish that this is not Shiloh’s mother cunningly influencing her child to be androgynous si she can be see as a “free spirited good mother” of some sort.

  20. Carrie12:54 AM

    Slicked-back hair, OH NO! What has the world come to?? Hair is a moral issue! Let me quote the wise Professor Channing Tatum here: "HAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..."

  21. mystic chic1:16 AM

    Jude Law.

  22. Sadie1:45 AM

    Sounds like something Jude Law or Hugh Grant would do, but neither of them have ever been A+.

  23. Owen an A?
    Snip it, moron. No pity.

    And honestly--there is a fine line is forcing your kid to wear stuff and letting a toddler and young child make all the decisions. Kids have too many rights too soon now and look around--it's not really working out well. Be a parent, not a friend.

  24. I know! It's hard to figure out that child's gender, so how will people know how to treat him/her? Should they talk about pink sparkly ponies or race cars? The horror!!!

  25. Right! Because forcing your children to match societal gender expectations against their will never works out badly.

  26. Concerned AJ Fan4:31 AM

    Lay off Mish Mash. She/he has a right to her/his opinion and doesn't deserve everyone ganging up on him/her.

  27. Emeraldcity5:42 AM

    I think the problem is its not so much an opinion as a bigoted sexist attitude and that should always be called out.

    Bigoted = obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, and intolerant towards other people's beliefs and practices. Sexist= a person with sexist attitudes or behavior. Judgmental and derogatory of another bases on sex.

  28. ettacettera6:02 AM

    If a child this young gets positive feedback from the way she looks from those she relies on most.parents and nannies in these kid's cases, they keep doing it. I can't help but think mom would freak if the girl asked for a pink dress..and that's the problem. You aren't born with a clothing preference, it's developed.

  29. it took forever8:56 AM

    I think this is angelina dressing the kid like a guy to keep those 100 watt flashbulbs on her, i mean afterall the marriage didnt break the internet as she expected, am sure she threw a shit fit about that one

  30. Yeah, I've got no issue with the way Shiloh dresses. She's got a gorgeous face, though, which admittedly doesn't quite jibe with her boyish style.

  31. But it's still internal. My daughter's taste in clothing has never been even remotely like mine. She's chosen what she wears since she was two. And I don't care.
