Sunday, December 21, 2014

Blind Item #1

This B- list mostly television actress who will have nothing when her network show ends filming this season has no problems being the other woman and dumped her boyfriend to be the other woman. The actress says it is how she has achieved the success she has reached so far.


  1. Tricia1310:31 PM

    Diana Agron/ Glee

  2. sandybrook10:32 PM

    Naya Rivera

  3. Tricia1310:32 PM

    Was a BI last week I think

  4. sandybrook10:32 PM

    One of us got it!

  5. tricia1310:34 PM

    I hope so!

  6. sandybrook10:36 PM

    Jane Lynch so that she wont feel neglected and ignored :D

  7. Tricia1310:37 PM

    Touche@sandy lol

  8. Greengrl10:56 PM

    I'm leaning towards Lea because Diana hasn't really been part of the cast the last few seasons & she has been doing movies.

  9. Violet10:58 PM

    It's definitely Dianna Agron - it was a front page article in the UK at the weekend. The winner of Strictly Come Dancing (our version of DWTS), Caroline Flack was dumped by her boyfriend for DA, allegedly.

  10. drunk chick10:59 PM

    I read that one Violet.

  11. tricia1311:00 PM

    Dianna broke up with her BF recently and is now dating Jack Street a music producer. Allegedly. He just dumped his GF

  12. gadzooks1:12 AM

    Other woman implies boyfriend married or has a significant other. Dianna Agron is doing just fine with her post glee career. She travels to Europe a lot, so not surprised she met someone. She usually goes for Aussie men, so a little surprised on her new one.

    Who else besides Rivera (married) is single and not much career options on Glee?

  13. goose1:41 AM

    dianna agron is doing fine since she left glee last year, lots of indie movies and stuff, don't think it's her, probably lea is the right answer but i think she's pretty fine with her bf

  14. Slothcat9:33 AM

    I'm going a different direction and saying January Jones from Mad Men.

  15. Jason Blue Eyes12:27 PM

    Naya is married. This has to be Lea the Bitch-a.

  16. Lea Michele, urged on by her gold-digger boyfriend. He's just with her for the money and he doesn't care how she gets it.
