Saturday, December 27, 2014

Blind Item #1

This former A list franchise actor who rarely acts any longer despite his monster success is married. He also moved out to LA someone who has kept his past indiscretions quiet and she is someone he sees very regularly for sex and all that information she has about everything that was going to be public stays very quiet because of his ongoing payments.


  1. Tricia1312:20 AM

    Nic cage?

  2. Tricia1312:23 AM

    Or Harrison Ford, more likely.

  3. NIcholas Cage lives in the Sumerlin section of Las Vegas, NV

  4. Tricia1312:29 AM

    I would think he has a home in LA though? Didn't he famously purchase some gothic mansion? Or so e real estate ( pricey) I remember reading about

  5. Jenny breen12:36 AM

    Richard Dreyfuss has a movie coming out but he hasn't acted in a while

  6. Tricia1312:37 AM

    God I used to love Dreyfeuss, so many of his films are gems.

  7. French girl12:47 AM

    Cage works much .4 movie this year and at least 2 next years

  8. aemish12:47 AM

    What about Bob? :p

  9. Auntie12:48 AM

    Richard Dreyfuss lives in Carlsbad, ca and has been for years.

  10. He did buy some 10 to 12 (SFR) mansions across the US. But, he lost those to foreclosure. He is renting a house here and is constantly being seen at casinos all across Las Vegas.
    (Damn website stalls your typing in the comments so it appears as typos when posting.)
    IF he had purchased CRE, he would have had decent income to maintain his lifestyle.

  11. Tricia1312:59 AM

    Thanks David! has he become his character in Leaving Las Vegas?! Hope not- moving performance though.

  12. Dexamyl1:43 AM

    @French girl he does seem to work a lot for someone who chews the scenery and ruons every movie he's in. Just my view but I change the channel the second I see him. Does he still have fans? HW seems to give chance after chance to washed up former stars if they're guys.

  13. Frufra2:23 AM

    Sounds like someone involved in a killing or a coverup or something like that. Hmmm. A list in a franchise who rarely acts any more. Should be solvable.

  14. sandybrook2:38 AM

    Keanu? I know he's got something out now. But he hasn't done much recently.

  15. sandybrook2:39 AM

    Nm missed the married part

  16. Jd43113:05 AM

    Sly Stallone? Married, lives in LA but not sure when he moved there.

  17. Could be ... he's sick which is why he hardly ever works anymore. Maybe his illness has something to do with the secret? *Shrugs*

  18. Sarah9:27 AM

    Ford still acts fairly regularly, though. He was in Ender's Game not that long ago and of course in the upcoming Star Wars movie. Wasn't he also in the last Expendables? (Says Sarah, too lazy to go to IMDB and look it up)

  19. ettacettera9:49 AM

    Bruce Willis? Chevy Chase?

  20. sasha 192:30 PM

    May I suggest Sam Neill? His franchise & monster success would be Jurassic Park. I have not heard from him much in a long time.

  21. it took forever6:22 AM

    sasha 19 i thought Sam neil too.

  22. JarodKyle11:36 PM

    Through some googling the only one whom I see to fit the bill is mike myers he helped launch SNL he hasnt done movies since 2009 he remarried in 2011 that's my say cannot wait for this mystery to unfold this is exciting its like having access to scripts on an ongoing thriller
