Thursday, December 18, 2014

Blind Item #10

This B list mostly television actress who films her show in a place other than LA, NYC or Canada and has always filmed her shows in different cities has an interesting love life going on right now. She told two different guys she was exclusive with them but keeps having sex with the ex she flew in from California.


  1. Tricia133:03 AM

    Sophia Bush/Chicago

  2. Tricia133:05 AM

    Ex Dan Fredinburg?

  3. sandybrook3:06 AM

    I'm stumped

  4. sandybrook3:08 AM

    are any of the NCIS shows actually filmed in the cities they are supposed to be?

  5. Nina Dobrev?

  6. Tricia133:14 AM

    Jesse Sofer other dude(her cast mate). Films in Ilionois, and one tree hill filmed in Wilmington, DE

  7. Connie Britton?

  8. gloaming3:15 AM

    Gillian Anderson. Hannibal / The Fall

  9. alice3:23 AM

    Idk..Robin Wright? They film House of Cards in Baltimore, but I can’t picture her acting like this, she’s a class act. I still can’t believe it’s her the BI about a recently single actress banging Mark Ruffalo.

    OT Can we please start a petition to Enty to please stop, or at least post less of this BI about “reality stars”, wanna be celebs and trashy people? Seriously, they are NOT celebs, it’s not interesting. Can we make it about actors, singers and people with a minimun amount of talent and/or charm and glamour? Can we raise the line a little bit here? I really rather talk about what has been found in William H Macy garbage can than read about the Kardashians, Mama June and Co. With all this juicy Sony leak why aren’t we talking about how Hollywood really hides? Just a suggestion from a longtime reader and a loyal one.

  10. alice3:25 AM

    oh ok, I’ve just read the “mostly tv” hint, I think RW is mostly movies, no matter HoC. (and HoC is not even tv) I change my guess to Gillian Anderson, just because I can’t stand her.

  11. Tricia133:30 AM

    Yes Alice, I'm with ya.

  12. June Gordon3:57 AM

    One Tree Hill shot in Wilmington, NORTH CAROLINA, not Wilmington, Delaware.

  13. yeppers4:12 AM

    Yes, good idea Alice! Honestly, I am waiting until this site gets fixed. Nothing but commercials, crappy layout and the original feel of the website is gone.When I look through "all" the readers' pics, I see that there are many who feel the same as I. It is a real shame, this site was great.

  14. Erin B4:59 AM

    Install AdBlock. All of the madness will go away.

  15. Reading the first sentence I thought Sophia Bush. But she told 2 different guys she was exclusive with them... Ok for Jesse Soffer but who is the other one? And the ex she keeps having sex? I was thinking James Lafferty because he's been in Chicago since last week and there were a lot of reports last weekend on twitter saying he was seen with Sophia at a bar/club. And no Jesse there.

  16. aquarian136:35 AM

    One Tree Hill was filmed in North Carolina, not DE. Sometimes it's good to pause and think a bit before typing the first thing that comes to mind just for the sake of being first.

  17. aquarian137:09 AM

    Just install adblock? Are you fucking kidding? For the majority of people it's still not enough to fix all the problems and glitches everyone is having. That's why everyone left and cdan is dying a slow death. Fake Enty didnt give a shit about his loyal readers so people were pretty much forced to leave and go somewhere else where the energy was better. So for anyone hoping the site will be fixed, this is it. Enjoy.

  18. Becca2:49 PM

    Firefox & Adblock = zero problems with this site since the revamp.

  19. No idea who this is.
    Side-note I really missed this blog and haven't been on here for a while. WTF happened!! I'm really not liking the new layout!! What is going on. I'm guessing there's been a change of management....

    If you want a more user friendly site with insider gossip, come over to mine peeps :)

    Luna x

  20. Guest5:19 AM

    James Lafferty currently lives in New York, not California.
