Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Some Kindness Items

#1 - This singer is probably B list in her portion of the singing world. She started out on reality television and would be great on it in a different format or the same show but no one will give her a chance. Anyway, she is a big fan of organ donation and bone marrow testing and when her record label signed her made everyone at the label sign organ donation cards and had them promise to be available for bone marrow testing.

#2 - This A- list mostly movie actress who is still in a franchise while she does other things that are not in front of a camera granted a make A Wish wish a few years ago and talks to the little girl three times each week at the exact same time of the day those three days. She has not only granted a wish, but made the girl a part of her life and family.

#3 - This now openly gay news anchor raised several hundred thousand dollars last year to stop cyber bullying and has about 25 gay high school students that he has made himself available to over the past year via e-mail and Skype.


  1. sandybrook2:12 AM

    Susan Boyle #1
    Anderson Cooper #3

  2. 1)Jennifer Hudson. 2)Carrie Fisher. 3)Anderson Cooper

  3. Kelly Pickler for #1

  4. Birdy5:00 AM

    Could #2 be Elizabeth Banks?

  5. 3. Anderson

  6. it took forever8:51 AM

    ok i must admit it finally, i hate kindness blinds, usually blow right past them, i know i am weird for that, but i really dislike kindness blinds

  7. It took forever, do you need your gossip downright dirty:)

  8. Canadianmiss2:53 PM

    Sorry, but #1 is NOT a kindness.
    That is a medical decision, and no one person has the right to force another into agreement.

  9. it took forever9:58 PM

    @yves , the dirtier the better, lol

  10. it took forever10:01 PM

    @canadianmiss, totally agree, this is a form of extortion, what if i want all my organs intact when i transition to the afterlife. Still i bet a fair few will promise and actually do it, the others will just promise

  11. sandybrook10:19 PM

    But sometimes it's good to see these people are not the pedohile, molesting, racist etc. creeps the Enties want us to think they are.

  12. random12:58 PM

    Why would anyone want organs after they die? Screw saving lives, I just want my dead body to still have kidneys.
