Today's Blind Items - Kindness
A woman on her death bed has about two weeks to live according to her doctors. She is unable to walk, ravaged by brain cancer, and was basically sent home for hospice care until she dies, which will be very soon.
The woman is in her mid 50's and has been a lifelong fan of a certain former A+ list singer/television star who is now a B list casino and Vegas mainstay. She has been listening to his music and watching his videos to sustain her during the final stages of her illness.
The woman's husband, desperate to try to help his wife get through this awful time, decided that it would be a huge boost to his wife if she could somehow talk to this entertainer. Not knowing how to get in touch, or knowing anyone in show business at all, he sent a message through the entertainer's website, basically a "Hail Mary" pass explaining the situation and that there wasn't much time, and asked if there was some way for the busy entertainer to please get in touch with the woman and provide a few words of cheer.
Four days later, the entertainer personally called the woman. No fanfare, just a call to ask how she was doing and thank her for her support all these years.
Needless to say, the simple call meant the world to her and gave a wonderful lift at a very dark time.