Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Today's Blind Items- Her First Day On Set

An actress reached out to me several weeks ago and told me she read all of the blinds on the site and was especially interested in the ones that dealt with on set abuse because she is a survivor of it herself. Our actress was on a very hit show back in the 70's. Very hit show. A family values type show.She was in almost every episode of the show and had some episodes where the story focused on her. She was probably B list at the time but has not really worked since. When we spoke she said she wanted people to know what it was like on the set for a female teen and how things were completely different if you were a male teen or a man on the set. It was an ensemble show and there were lots of parts for both men and women and lots of roles for teens. She said that the first day she walked on the set she could feel a million eyes on her. She had just started to develop and she had men in their 30's and 40's and older telling this 14 year old how hot she looked and they couldn't wait to get to know her better. You would be in school on set but if you had a scene you would leave and shoot and come back. The guys never had to come back if they didn't want to. If you were a girl in the class the only way you would not have to come back is if you were with an actor on the set. And by with they meant having sex with him in his trailer and after that you would go back to class unless he really liked you. Lead actors and producers and some other crew members could sign you out of class so you would end up staying with them all day and not doing any work. Drug and alcohol abuse were common because you had these people with no parental controls and these older men taking advantage. She said that she lost her virginity on set to an A list actor who always got first pick of virgins. She though she was different and that he liked her, but the next month he found someone else and he found someone every month for the entire run of the show. Pregnancy and abortions were common among the teens because the guys refused to use condoms and parents couldn't be told what was going on so there was no birth control pill usage or very little. If you got pregnant you would be given a week off with pay but your parents were not told. You would go to work on Monday and have the procedure and then spend the night at a friend's house and then show up at work the rest of the week, but not have to work. One teen was bleeding really heavily the second night when she went home to her parent's house after shooting and the parent's complained and were given some money but the girl was written off the show.


  1. sandybrook2:13 AM

    Dianne Kay from Eight Is Enough

  2. ChimCham2:13 AM

    Sounds like Erin Moran.

  3. sandybrook2:15 AM

    forgot this-->???

  4. Jill Whelan from Love Boat?

  5. Robby Horine2:20 AM

    Susan Dey from The Partridge Family?

    We've all known the sex stories of the two boys.

  6. That is so horrific, i cannot wait to the day Hollywood gets brought to its knees for this kind of thing, no wonder most stars are fucked up

  7. Dudette2:31 AM

    Valerie Bertinelli was my first thought.

  8. shakey2:31 AM

    Could be almost anyone. Tina Yothers? Tracy Gold?

  9. AndrewBW2:38 AM

    Kristy McNichol?

  10. D Brown2:46 AM

    Most actresses cited were over 14 when they started their series. Those who started around that age appear to be Maureen McCormick (Brady Bunch), Erin Moran (Happy Days) and Valerie Bertinelli (One Day At A Time). Bertinelli is obviously still working and so, to a lesser extent, is McCormick. So neither qualifies for the "haven't done much since" scenario. Moran qualifies by that measure.

  11. NJ Firefighter2:56 AM

    Little House on the Prarie? The Waltons?

  12. Eric Adams2:57 AM

    Judy Norton Taylor, played Mary Ellen on The Waltons. Was 14 years old when the show started in 1972. Hasn't worked since, except for Waltons reunions.

  13. firtrader2:57 AM

    Someone from the Waltons?
    it says the 70s

  14. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:05 AM

    Erin Moran has given interviews where she talked about having been raped on the set of Happy Days. She was crying, but pretty determined, and it seemed to me to have the ring of truth. (Oddly, I think it was an interview with Howard Stern, who was genuinely shocked at te revelation, and totally broke his asshole character to show her real concern, asking if she was okay, and if she wanted to stop.)

  15. flawlessish3:13 AM

    What a terrible, terrible story this is. I'm ashamed of the medical community and the "UNIONS." Now, where is the Senate Commission hearings on this sort of continued abuse? Where are the whistleblowers? Cigarettes, air bags, seat belts -- everyone is all fist pumping in the air but a "life" and the dreams of young artists, females...including the Cosby girls..."who gives a you know what!."

  16. flawlessish3:16 AM

    the rigor of the Duggard family 19 and Counting when it comes to their children sexuality and modesty rules sound kinda good right about now! I know they wouldn't have stood for any of this. Well, lets wait until the smoke clears--can you say "Honey Boo-Boo?"

  17. Curtis3:41 AM

    The clue is that a young actress was written off the show. i am leaning towards the older sister on Little House because I believe "Nellie" left the show early. What other large cast family show lost a teen actress? My first thought was Susan Dey, but the clue doesn't fit. All the Walton girls lasted the whole series as well.

  18. Talks2Much3:47 AM

    Abuse can really destroy someone and make them cray. See SevenofEleven for example.

  19. cc4233:54 AM

    Sorry flawlessish... But the Duggars lost me when the momma went off about how gay people were out to ruin the world when speaking in public against a local gay equality ordinance ion Arkansas. She even recorded robo calls urging people to vote against equality for gay people in her community. This family is vicious and cruel when it comes to those who do not follow the same religious tenets they claim to follow. Including son Josh whose sole job at the Family Research Council is to lobby against any and all rights for gay people.

  20. flawlessish3:59 AM

    Wheat! They'll soon come 'round. They all do. BTW I was wondering what in the hell that child was doing in DC that couldn't be shared in the show. And the truth is revealed!! Not nice 'tat-tall." Not nice!! When they call off the names of the children don't you look to see which one of them is gay? Be honest! I do.

  21. Sammy D4:43 AM

    Fuck you Ginger Harlot, or whichever of your minions this is. God knows you don't do your own bidding.
    Instead of commenting about other abused children maybe you should concentrate on those poor little neglected people you spawned into this world. There are 3 of them, in case you forgot.

  22. SueDub6:20 AM

    What about "Eight is Enough"? Lots of roles for male and female teens.....

  23. Casey6:36 AM

    Not "Eight is Enough". The youngest girl on the show was 18 when the show started.

  24. Frufra6:37 AM

    I second sandy with Dianne Kay of Eight is Enough, with Willie Ames as the creeper A list dude.

  25. Frufra6:45 AM

    Scratch Willie Ames; he was much too young then. But according to IMDB, Dianne Kay was 15 when the show premiered in 1977, so it's likely she was 14 when they shot it. But who would the A list dude be - Dick Van Patten? Please God, no! There's not enough brain bleach in the world :-(.

  26. it took forever7:01 AM

    happy days, didnt the sister go up the stairs and never came back? only mention that she was off to college

  27. Casey7:11 AM

    She was born 3/29/54 which would have made her 23 in 1977.

  28. Frufra7:14 AM

    Oh my God, I'm a MORON. Dianne Kay was 25 when Eight is Enough started, not 15. Math is hard. Sadly, I'm an elementary school teacher. One thousand sad faces for Mrs. Frufra.

  29. HiddlesHunny8:22 AM

    Hmmm I thought all the angry bullies finally found something else to do but I guess not? Funny how mad some people get and they only know what they've been told not the truth! Anyway, karma gets it right in the end.

  30. sandybrook8:56 AM

    Sammy whoever posted that about 7 wasn't TTM.

  31. I was really hoping that all of the comment craziness had left to inhabit the CDAN "companion" site. I hope it doesn't start up here...at the old site there were times the comments could be entertaining but more often than not they would eventually get really nasty and mean. I would hate to see that happen again. Sorry, just my opinion

  32. AppleThief4Elliot10:42 AM

    Maybe Saved By The Bell?

  33. flawlessish11:16 AM

    Facts of Life? A list now or then because -- A lister George Clooney was on the show and there were lots of nubile virgins on set.

  34. Ginger Belvoir11:58 AM

    Damn, I thought all the clique members and bullies went over to the other site. I was really liking this drama-free new site. Can't everyone just agree to talk about the blinds instead of each other??

  35. NateM2:48 PM

    Laura Winslow was raped by Steve Urquel. I'll just leave you to think about that

  36. This is sickening.
    Shows in the seventies that had lots of teens? Yep, Happy Days. Saturday Night Live. Good Times? Waltons. Brady Bunch.

  37. annie and ginger, as difficult this site is too navigate, i have been enjoying the drama free aspect too, it just wasn't worth commenting on the old site. think ignoring any comment that is designed to provoke should be the way to go for this format as they will get bored and go to companion site

  38. Zilla310:25 PM

    Erin Moran has accused Henry Winkler of abuse in the past and I believe she recanted that. I have a hard time believing her.

  39. Zilla310:31 PM

    to clarify, Erin accused Henry of Sexual Harassing her, and accused a few cast members of molesting her. She later said it was actually her family members who molested her.

  40. Dianne Kay from Eight Is Enough is too old. She's the same age as my mom. She was born in 1952 which means she was in her 20's when the show started.

  41. This I can see, but she is still on good terms with the entire cast.

  42. Blaine5:25 AM

    Senate Commission hearings? Are you kidding? The entire entertainment industry in under complete control of the Illuminati. Hollywood is a cesspool of pedophilia, ritual abuse, drugs, alcohol, etc. It's never going to end because it is far too corrupt. Nobody to complain to anymore because they're all in on it!

  43. Blaine5:27 AM

    It's Erin Moran. No question. And the actor who took her virginity is Scott Baio. Baio is one of the biggest sluts Hollywood has ever known. Slept with thousands, both men and women.

  44. Sadie5:33 AM

    What's the CDAN "companion" site? I'm sorry ... I haven't been on much since the new site launched and just before.

  45. Darlington9:54 AM

    Supposedly Amy Berg has a new documentary, "An Open Secret," detailing the sexual abuse of children in Hollywood which will premier at a New York City film festival Friday. It deals with sexual molestation and exploitation in the entertainment industry. Maybe a reader who lives in New York can check it out. I hope she doesn't gloss over the problem. I also hope she addresses the fact that there is parental disconnect or willful ignorance and negligence for the kid's well being.

  46. it took forever10:52 AM

    is this true about urkel! never heard that before
