Monday, November 17, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Beards For Everyone

If you can afford a very expensive beard for yourself, and you like the new found attention to how straight you are, then why not beards for everyone. In 2014 this A list athlete has spent about $500K for the limited amount of time he has spent with his very high profile beard. It has worked though. She is the best at what she does and she gets the attention and knows how to maximize dollars spent. The only loose end as far as his people have been concerned is his ex-boyfriend. Yes, the same one who caused a whole lot of noise when they split and despite a payoff could also cause trouble. Our athlete has millions of dollars in endorsements and those are way more important to him right now than coming out. He figures he can do that when his playing days are over. So, what to do about the ex? How about hire him a beard? Not as high profile but the money has been spent buying followers on social media and creating fake accounts which promote this new relationship and give it some legitimacy. The ex agreed to do it for a little while and some extra money, but he still is a very volatile loose end and I think at some point he is just going to say f**k it and spill everything.


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