Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Anniversary Month - Reveal Coming Soon

November 20, 2006

So last week I think I promised to fill you all in on a story that a pap related to me because he wanted to know if he was legally obligated to do anything about what he had witnessed and his obligations should it occur again in the future..

Most of you readers are used to seeing the photos of celebs up close and personal that are taken from just a few feet away..However, you may have also seen photos, especially on the beaches that are taken from a much greater distance, and then there was a recent case involving Jennifer Aniston where topless photos of her on her deck were taken from over a quarter mile away..

There are some pap who follow their quarry all the time, but for much of the time they just stay close to certain places they know celebs tend to hang out, or they know will be coming to at some point in the day or night. However, the big money are for pics that are harder to come by and that is where you get the guys following you everywhere ot finding a place that overlooks your house and then waiting for hours and hours and sometimes even for days depending on how valuable the pic would be if taken.

The pap who came to my office is a follower..he goes for the big bucks and does not settle for anything less..He has become very good at tracking his quarry from a distance (some would say it has something to do with the device on their fav car he put there, but I He also has found a place also about a quarter mile away from a particular house which provides him an excellent view of about 30% of the house including some rooms of the house, and into them as well..

He came to me because on 3 or 4 occasions (definitely 3, and unsure of the 4th) he witnessed the current A list actor beating his girlfriend and has the pics to prove it. (they are grainy, but very clear what is going on) The first time it happened he was not prepared to take pics because he knew the object of his pics was not at the house and so he managed to only get a couple of pics which are useful only if looking at the others to put the first in context. After the fight, he waited for what he was sure would be an appearance by the police, but none ever came. This same scenario played out the other times as well.

He came to me because he wondered if he was under some obligation to report the beatings to the police. He did not want to alert the police because he did not want the subject to learn about the pap watching his house and thus tip-off what the real goal with the pics is/was. Also, the fights happened over a several week period and always in the same room of the house and so he was wondering if they could have learned of his presence and were staging the fights because they always did happen in the same room..To back this theory up he stated and as I viewed the pics, admitted it is hard to see if there are any bruises or marks on the woman. Most of the blows appeared to be of the open hand variety and therefore would maybe not leave a mark and also would not leave any evidence if the pap decided to call the cops on his own and they investigated. He has thought about calling the police as soon as he sees something but doubts they would be able to respond in time..The girlfriend rarely leaves the house which makes it tough to follow her and see if there are marks or to confront her..She is not really in the public eye and so sometimes that can be problematic as well..He hired an assistant to follow the girl if she does leave, but she does not seem to leave until at least two days after a fight which would bolster the theory that she has been hit.

He wants her to leave because he knows that when she is gone, then his payoff pics will happen..I will keep you updated on this story..of course it could break out into the open at anytime as well..too many people are being brought into the loop..of course the pap could be bought off also…remind me to tell you about some big payoffs in the past to keep things quiet..


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