Monday, November 03, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item - Halloween Party Part Two

What barely-hanging-on to A-list actor and former tweener was seen at the same party snorting some coke and getting the digits of an attractive male busboy? His "girlfriend"/beard was only present when photogs snapped him entering and exiting the club.


  1. Violet11:03 PM

    wasn't he meant to be dead by now through his copious using over the summer? so, silver lining and all

  2. Zac?
    So is zac how a barely a lister now?

  3. sandybrook11:05 PM

    duh HI MR. X!!

  4. Dexamyl11:11 PM

    Hey all. Guess this is here to stay. Tricia13, are you the "old" Tricia?

  5. Yeah. Ok. So . . . can we return to the old format now? Among the problems I have with this format is that there is no way to go to the next blind without returning to the main page.

    There is too much fuss and muss on the right hand side and all of these extra "tools" are just confusing. I'm not interested in "recent comments", I want to see the comments on the blind I am reading.

    I'm going to give this a few more days, but if things don't improve, I'm out.

  6. Snookiemonster11:23 PM

    It is too much work to post or even view using my phone. I have to login everytime to post. Afraid ill be leaving this site too

  7. surfer11:45 PM

    Conbe and Snookie, someone created a shadow site.

    You can find it here (it's blogspot). Check it out.

  8. surfer11:46 PM

    oops, Cobe (sorry).

  9. Thanks surfer. I'll check it out. Hope the regulars will try it out too until Enty comes to his/her senses and changes this thing.

    One of the problems with success is that too often people try to change things that are working. They are convinced by someone else that if they just pay "a little" money to them (of course), they can make things BETTER.

    Unfortunately, "better" rarely happens. The new website designer has gotten paid, so maybe we can just go back to the old format.

  10. Tricia1311:52 PM

    Hola Dex!

  11. Zappaz12:01 AM

    I believe this a Zac E

  12. Kellan lutz

  13. Athena1:02 AM

    1 of 2. CDAN's own Lilo.

  14. Molls1:18 AM

    I guess this is supposed to be Zac.
    Please go back to the old format or find a better one. This one sucks. So hard to navigate.

  15. boredtechindenver1:19 AM

    Seriously, everyone whinging about the new design just needs to load AdBlock. I even turned off the stupid Hospice ad. When you are on an individual blog post with AdBlock enabled, right below the item and right above the "You Might Also Like" links are two links. The one on the right takes you to the next blog item and the one on the left takes you to the previous item.

    The slider bar at the top will be easier to use when you realize that weekdays end with the Random Photos, so you can just click the right arrow until you see the RP links and then click the post to the left.

    For everyone who is reacting or replying to the various Enties and Admins, YHBT, HTH, HAND. KTHXBAI.

  16. teresacrane1:28 AM

    While I'm not terribly fond of the new layout, I can get used to it. But I hate that I have no idea if anyone has replied to the comment thread - part of the fun of CDAN was checking my email and reading responses.

    Back to the blind - how is Zac barely hanging on to A list? I had the impression that Neighbors did well

  17. he site has been upgraded to accommodate the company. I’m committed to providing my readers with ads that are tailored to their interests. I am not practicing law anymore and had to find a happy medium between eking out an income and continuing to provide all of you with the true stories of Hollywood. Hang in there.

  18. Jason Blue Eyes.2:45 AM

    Like I wrote yesterday, most likely a full backup was made of the old site. It's quite simple to do with Blogger. It shouldn't be too difficult to restore. Enty should just eat whatever he paid for this redesign and move on. It'll still be profitable for him down the line. if he won't do that, he can hire somebody to design this thing to at least resemble the old site. is a good site I use to hire designers and developers.

    i wonder if Nutty will be joining us here? If she joins us at some point, I'm sure she'd know somebody whom Enty can hire to get things more functional here.This site is just like Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow - a huge bomb.
