Four For Friday- Traditional
To say that it has been a long week would be an understatement. It has been a week filled with lots of hand wringing and change and more changes and lots of great feedback from many of you and lots of love and a lot of complaints. I read them and hear them all and things are much improved since Monday and will continue to do so over the next few weeks. It is as much of a learning curve for me as it is for you. I have literally read every e-mail and "Tip" and for those that left e-mail addresses I think I wrote all of you back. Everything you have said whether it is good or bad, I absorb and take in and a lot of changes and modifications that were requested by you this week have been made, even down to a color adjustment. If you want a smoother reading experience while the kinks are worked out you can always click on the Feedly button in the upper right. I love them. For those of you who have asked, I don't comment and there is no admin who comments either. I generally do my talking right here. Speaking of here, I will be here all weekend and next week at this time will be the annual MV clue. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer.
#1 - This celebrity designer offspring left his coke stash in an airplane bathroom but didn't realize it and spent 30 minutes climbing under and over seats in First Class because he thought it rolled somewhere or fell out of his pocket. Finally a flight attendant handed him the vial, washed clean.
#2 - This Academy Award winning/nominated actress and her foreign born should have an Academy Award husband bought a new place just to host their swinger parties which have become so much in demand that they are thinking of opening a swinging club. They have come a long way from their dinner parties where she would make moves on guys while her husband watched.
#3- This former A list cable reality star who was on a hit MTV show sent out thousands of dollars of free stuff from her design line to convince celebrities to wear it. She only managed one person. Most celebrities returned it because they didn't want her to say that they wore it.
#4 - Yes, that was the celebrity/reality star mom giving her celebrity/reality star a lap dance the other night. Yes, it is fine if you wanted to be sick while watching it.