Sunday, November 09, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #7

July 8, 2014

This A list celebrity/former A list reality star/does other things is married with kids and got a breast enlargement on her very skinny frame to pose for Playboy. She says she is natural. Ha.

Nicole Richie


  1. sandybrook2:10 AM

    Don't need to see her nekkid if she ever did the shoot.

  2. sandybrook2:12 AM

    and a ^5 to Violet for getting there right before Simon did.

  3. Babysitme2:23 AM

    Thanks for still posting comments sandybrook

  4. sandybrook2:38 AM

    yw. Be patient with everything here.

  5. Erin B3:10 AM

    No amount of boob would make me want to see that.

  6. it took forever4:54 AM

    lol@ sandybrook, i rather the normal size nicole than the subzero nicole

  7. Emily7:25 AM

    I thought she got the boob job to look less thin, because you know people can't call you anorexic if you've still got your boobs.

  8. Give it a rest and get off your high horse @sandybrook. Things will not get better on this site because Enty (ies) sold out and just doesn't GIVE A SHIT. And don't use copyright infringement as an excuse because the shadow site gives a link to this one, so it's not infringing on a damn thing. Just admit you get off on being a big fish in a small pond, and leave it at that. But the lame excuses you gave the other day just don't hold up, and it's obvious you don't want to deal with other commenters. That's kewl, but don't act like you're some morally superior human being. A lot of people are having problems with CDaN 2.0, and nothing is being done to remedy it. If nobody had any issues, there would be no need for the shadow site (which btw, is 1,00Ox better then this snoozefest). Rosa Parks is a person who took a real stand for just love kissing fake Enty butt and preaching to the three people actually listening to you. Kindly get over yourself.

  9. TopperMadison7:55 PM

    That's spicy. And scarey.

  10. TopperMadison7:57 PM

    Whoops! Somehow I posted on the wrong article. This new site needs a TON of work.
