Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #7 - Anniversary Month

February 25, 2008

This female singer who was featured in this space once before who paid for songs with sex was at it again this weekend. She thought she was done with it all, but an executive from her label made it very clear that she needed to take care of not just one but two very important investors in the label. Oh, and she had to take care of them at the same time. The smile on her face at the parties was definitely all for show.



  1. sandybrook3:03 AM

    Six years later you can change the name to Rita Whora except she would smile because she doesn't have f*cks to give.

  2. Crila3:03 AM

    So was she forced? She could have said no. It was her decision to sell her soul for fame and fortune. She had a choice in the matter.

  3. RandySandy4:10 AM

    But did she effile tower? Whatta hor, and still I never hear her songs

  4. Agreed Crila I guess if she actually had real success from doing it the smile would be for real

  5. it took forever8:30 AM

    something is seriously wrong with these women, they cant be so hungry for fame.

  6. El Materdor8:39 AM

    Sandy, I though the same thing.

  7. The Hip Hop industry is disgusting sometimes. If she didn't do it, they would move on to another female who could be degraded. Stop shaming her. She's not the problem here.

  8. Somebody ( That You Used To Know )9:12 AM

    Where was her 'Momager' when all this was happening?

  9. Nicola9:19 AM

    Curious, if most of the female singers are whores, how do the men get tracks for their albums?

  10. @Hegg Correction: The Hip Hop industry is not the problem, it's the entertainment industry as a whole. This has been happening decades before hip hop was created.
