Friday, November 14, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #6

July 16, 2014

This A- list mostly movie actress tried to recreate the subway sex scene from Risky Business with her now ex celebrity girlfriend but could never end up having an empty subway car long enough to finish. They even had a guy there to photograph it for them.

Michelle Rodriguez/Cara Delevingne


  1. sandybrook2:37 AM

    Kristin got it and I wonder if Michelle was the lap or the bouncer?

  2. Crila2:58 AM

    Yes. And absolutely no one noticed two celebs sitting on the subway.

  3. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:00 AM

    I'm really sorry this didn't work out, because that would be a set of photos I'd enjoy very, very, very much. Michelle Rodriguez may be a bit of a hot mess, but hot is definitely the keyword there.

  4. it took forever8:42 AM

    have those two ever have any healthy relationship with anyone
