Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 12, 2014

This B list reality star on an A list reality show lost about $250K gambling two weeks ago on credit and doesn't have that much cash and will need to ask his significant other to help him out which she may or may not do. The war will be crazy.

Scott Disick/Kourtney Kardashian


  1. sandybrook1:32 AM

    I guess KTrash kicked him out of the Hamptons house

  2. Studio541:42 AM

    Kourtney and her loser man. What else is new with the K-trash sisters? SHE is the one deliberately not taking any contraception with this loser, and having kid after kid.

  3. Yeh its weird why would she pay it, when she has got to know he cheats constantly

  4. El Materdor4:12 AM

    I think all these stories are just that, stories. Don't get me wrong, he's a tool, however we are talking about the Trashdashians.

  5. True and they like to plant blind items and fake stories about themselves apparently, making those google alerts count:)

  6. it took forever7:11 AM

    i think she is afraid of losing him and he knows this, she loves him more than he loves her and she will do anything to keep him
