Friday, November 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Old Hollywood - Anniversary Month

April 12, 2011

This male Academy Award winner was known for his singing voice. What is not known to many is that to keep his career going and his voice, he had himself castrated. There are rumors that the castration was actually his way of preventing sexual urges he had for men which he thought was morally wrong.

Bing Crosby


  1. Ouch! This reveal hurts.
    So, when was this castration supposed to have taken place? It must have been in the sixties AFTER he had children with his very young wife?

  2. Shelly Shell12:37 AM

    He had 4 sons, all of them were in & out of mental institutions all their lives, 3 of them committed suicide.

  3. Jessica Larson12:40 AM

    Wife was a raging alcohlic, & he loved pot, massive stoner.

  4. french girl1:00 AM

    He had 7 kids and he was castrated? How is possible????

  5. Potiphar's Wife1:06 AM

    A referral from Lord Varys?

  6. frosty1:11 AM

    Le bullshit

  7. french girl1:13 AM

    He was rumored to be very strict ( even maybe an abuser) with his 4 first kids

    But how can he have 7 kids whereas he's castrated

  8. Shelly Shell1:33 AM

    1 of his sons from his first marriage wrote a book detailing what an physically & psychologically abusive asshole he was, which was confirmed by other siblings.

  9. Skeptinista2:09 AM

    This is total BS. Who performed this castration? It's not like he the voice of a castrato or anything. Who comes up with this stuff? Next you'll be telling us, Paul really is dead.

  10. Potiphar's Wife2:29 AM

    Castration after puberty has no effect on the voice.

  11. Frankly3:58 AM

    What the what???

  12. Thanksgiving343:59 AM

    He had 7 kids yes, but this blind implies that those were not his kids. I could see it, specially based on the way he treated them...

  13. Skeptinista4:08 AM

    His wives would have to be quite the whores to pull that off...I mean, 7 CHILDREN - you don't get a kid everytime you screw...this is waaay before infertility treatments, so babies were made the good old fashioned way. No way. Not 7. Maybe 1 or 2.

  14. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:13 AM

    I don't know about all of them, but I promise you, Gary Crosby was Bing's son. There's no possible doubt about this.

    I mean, come on, look at the guy!

  15. car544:54 AM

    All of his sons look exactly like him--no way they are not his sons.

    He has been rumored to be extremely domineering and abusive.
    I don't think this could be true.

  16. Zilla35:01 AM

    I think he did adopt some of his kids.

  17. Thank you! Bing had many affairs during his career. Due to his smoking and drinking, his voice started changing in the 40s. Plus when did he even have the time with creating seven children and multiple affairs even late in life?

  18. TooManyAds5:27 AM

    None of his kids were adopted.

  19. The 10th Doctor6:18 AM

    Little known 80s hair band fact:

    Robbin Crosby from Ratt is Bing's grandson.

    I'd go more Frankie Valle if we're going the castration route, Enty. His voice stayed high and clear--more of a falsetto, Bing's got a little rougher but he was more baritone.

  20. Vegoia7:33 AM

    Plus he was a baritone, why the hell do a castration for that? This is the worst and funniest bling ever. The guy was a notorious pussy hound as well.

  21. it took forever8:31 AM

    wow nice but ewwww reveal, i heard he was an awful person

  22. Penelope11:28 AM

    I heard this about Michael Jackson, that his dad had him castrated so he'd always have that soft, high voice. His dad was abusive and molested all his children, used them as money makers, and Jackson supposedly never had sex his whole life (and obviously was a bit odd)...I always wondered if that was true.

  23. appalled by the idiocy11:34 AM

    lmao.. What a load of crap. He was a deep voiced baritone singer. Castration would have ruined his voice.

    What next? A Martian fathered Meryl Streep's 1st born? Gah this place blows these days

  24. Becca1:35 PM

    All you had to do is look at photos of any of his four sons from the first marriage & you know that this isn't true. He also beat them up so bad they all hated his guts. He later admitted he was a bad father to them, but it wasn't enough, considering two committed suicide & the other two were alcoholics that died of cancer.
    After his first wife Dixie died, he did a lot of movies throughout the 1950s, usually with barely known actresses. Every single one had to "audition" with Bing to get the part & that included Grace Kelly in "The Country Girl".

  25. Potiphar's Wife11:58 PM

    Again: castration after puberty has no effect on the voice, only sex drive and sterilization. A 70 year old man who has one of his testes removed isn't going to suddenly start singing like Little Orphan Annie.

  26. appalled by the idiocy7:00 AM

    @Potiphar's Wife, well again yourself.. the blind says "to keep his career going and his voice, he had himself castrated" so you just proved this blind is STILL crap because according to you, castration wouldn't have made ANY difference.. You should choose your arguments more wisely.

    Even aside from that, this blind is still highly dubious. Crosby's youngest child Nathaniel was born in 1961 - just 16 years before Bing died of old age.

    Bullshit Blind.

  27. Wil in MSP1:52 PM


    Disclaimers are there for a reason kids. This blind is clearly in the realm of the disclaimer.

  28. History Buff9:15 AM

    I think it's either Maurice Chevalier (an honorary Oscar winner) or James Cagney (he and his wife adopted their kids).
