Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #2- Anniversary Month

May 6, 2008

I don't know about you, but I just can't get enough of celebrity hooker items. Although I love the items that were about celebrities being hookers before they became famous, I especially adore the ones where it is a celebrity who used to be the star of movies, and was and actually is a household name. I guess she is C list now, although she does still have A list name recognition. She isn't cheap, but she sure does cost less than some of those hookers who have been in the news. From what I understand if you would like to have this woman who used to be fairly good looking but now is just a washed up mess be your companion, you do need to hire her for at least a week. You need to spend your entire time with her outside the United States and provide her airfare to and from the States. There are no guarantees she will even come close to remaining sober throughout your time together, but she does only charge $50,000 for the week. She also claims she is drug and disease free but I think she is referring to drugs of the injectable variety.

Tara Reid


  1. Anonymous12:34 AM

    no fucking thanks

  2. Erin B12:39 AM

    I thought she was doing that stuff now, but I didn't realize she was doing it way back in 2008. I kind of feel bad for her.

  3. Is a harbormaster her pimp these days?

    She needs some more barnacle scraping. I keed I keed

  4. No way, not if she were the last female on earth!

  5. What's the current cost for the week? Can't be over 15 grand by now, and that's being generous.

  6. it took forever10:08 AM

    50 grand a week, where do i sign up
