Saturday, November 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #14

July 20, 2014

This B list mostly television actor from a very hit cable show who will probably be a movie star and had his big chance once has come back to his trailer the past few days on set to find this aging former A list singer who is a part-time actress stark naked and smoking. Apparently she thinks they met in a past life and wants to get close to him.

Charlie Hunnam/Courtney Love


  1. sandybrook3:24 AM

    Dena got this even if she didn't believe what she was typing. I can't even begin to imagine walking into my dressing room and seeing the trash laying around naked waiting for me. :(

  2. Dudette3:30 AM

    I'd like to get close to Charlie, too.

  3. Can we go back to the time when we didn't have to click each link to reveal every blind?

    I come to this site far less often now and probably won't come back at all because I am not going to keep clicking and then going back and scrolling down and clicking again etc...

  4. Freddy3:35 AM

    Your time is precious Mark. Move on dear.

  5. Allyson3:49 AM

    Freddy is a dick.

  6. Maggie May6:09 AM

    Marc I used to check every half an hour or so during the afternoon and read each new item as it appeared. Now I wait until the end of the day, read less of the content and often give up because the website design is so far away from being user-friendly. I don't mind change or that Enty wants to make more money from ads but this design isn't working for me.

  7. Emily6:10 AM

    Man up people, seriously!!

    And I can't blame Courtney lol

  8. Laura Palmer7:10 AM

    Courtney's got game...serious game.

  9. theoriginalbellaluna7:43 AM

    The bitch better step off!

  10. it took forever7:53 AM

    lol@theoriginalbellaluna , i know several women who would fight for him right now

  11. The 10th Doctor8:06 AM

    I sincerely hope Charlie was Lysoling the begenius out of his trailer because I kind of think CL has industrial strength STDs.

  12. villagedianne11:53 AM

    Right above the comments on the left hand side is a link to the next item, so you don't have to go to the home page again.

  13. Okay...2:01 AM

    charlie is pretty cute

  14. I will have to try that line and Courtney has balls

  15. I feel the same way, Marc & Maggie! I'm getting my hair done so I have time to kill, otherwise I wouldn't go through the trouble of this new site. I used to be on here multiple times every day before the changes.
