Sunday, November 09, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #10- Anniversary Month

November 2, 2007

This openly gay, male, pop singer must be thinking of changing teams because he was spotted making out, and groping a female fan on Wednesday night.

Lance Bass


  1. sandybrook2:23 AM

    apparently he came to his senses and got married to his boy.

  2. it took forever4:45 AM

    either a bet gone wrong or a dare, but i am certain he prefers men

  3. I'm pretty sure groping is ok as long as he doesn't have to put in in "there".

  4. flawlessish8:00 AM

    I understand gay men love big boobies -- and some gay men just like too much attention from any gender.

  5. yay me9:36 AM

    Gay men love big boobies? That explains Wendy Williams' fascination with her boobs.

  6. Hudson Joe12:30 PM

    In the 66 years since Kinsey published his seminal report why do people still expect sexuality to be a binary proposition.
