Saturday, November 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #1- Anniversary Month

May 15, 2008

This is the funniest one I have ever got from the accountant. This celebutard is engaged to a B list film actress with A+ name recognition. He spent $34,000 on porn last year, and tried to claim it as a deduction for business purposes. He had each and every receipt for all the porn. All of it. He claimed that he needed it to see the proper way to act in a love scene. When the accountant reminded him he wasn't even an actor, our celebutard said something to the effect of, “I've got my girlfriend believing I'm the best guy in the world. I'm a great actor.” They chose not to try and deduct the porn.

Cash Warren/Jessica Alba


  1. My apologies but LMAO! Even though she is good looking, she is a terrible actress. And, she must also be so gullible to believe this booger wad.
    Besides, I hear through the grapevine that the Honest Company may fold!

  2. The 10th Doctor12:23 AM

    Didn't Honest Company just get some insane billion dollar valuation though, @ David?

  3. Princess Demandy-Pants12:39 AM

    Unfortunately, I think most women can admit to being totally dickmatized at least once in their lives. I don't know how many actually marry the guy, though.

  4. double standard12:49 AM

    Well I predict Cash Warren changing accountants and maybe filing a complaint about breach of confidentiality.

  5. El Materdor1:35 AM

    That was actually funny. He's a tool.

  6. Thats hilarious and doctor i've heard differing reports about the value of her company. I do think these people leak bullshit finance reports maybe as a way to boost sales or something like that

  7. Elissa3:27 AM

    Not to drift off-topic, but who BUYS porn anymore?? Even in 2008, was anyone still paying for it? Was he unfamiliar with this newfangled thingamabob we call the internet?

  8. Megley5:26 AM

    Considering that his dad was Bobby Hill on Hill Street Blues, maybe he is a good actor. She married him.

  9. Kenny p6:03 AM

    ^ This! 100%. I'm glad I'm not the only one out there that knows the truth in this. We've all been there.

  10. The 10th Doctor8:45 AM

    Good point about the overvalue, yves. I do recall a few different articles saying the company is going to close then the "they're positioning for an IPO and are a billion dollar company" hype. Who knows.

  11. it took forever12:01 AM

    wow just wow so much on porn alone
