Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Anniversary Month

February 29, 2014

This foreign born A list actress in her own country and probably C list here in the US. English is not her first language and her only chance at an American film came as a result of her first language. The film was a blockbuster. She wanted to go to LA as she got lots of offers after that first film, but her boyfriend wouldn't let her. He has become so controlling and so jealous of her career that she is not allowed to own a cell phone, and he goes with her everywhere. No one understands why she stays with him, but she doesn't allow anyone to speak bad about him. Of course he has alienated most of her friends anyway.

Zhang Ziyi


1 comment:

  1. Except that at the time this blind was written she'd been in five American films. Complete BS.
