Monday, November 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Anniversary Month

December 28, 2007

Which singer will not be invited back for Christmas anytime soon? Seems the prospective in-laws dislike diva behavior. Our singer was not a very gracious guest.

Jessica Simpson/Tony Romo


  1. sandybrook12:03 AM

    He didnt like her very much either after awhile. Dropped her like a hot potato.

  2. Please Enty, I'm begging you, at least return the scrolling format, so we don't have to bounce back and forth for each story. I don't care about the ads - I understand the need for revenue, but please, please PLEASE return to scrolling. Just line everything up and let us go through the entire day's postings. The way you have it set up is outdated and user hostile.

  3. Dudette2:51 AM

    I know Jess isn't the most refined gal on the planet, but the diva talk I've heard was always about her little sis, who needs to get over herself. Isn't Romo a bit of a jerk, too?

  4. Maybe Jessicas diva behaviour was burping and farting all over the place :)

  5. it took forever9:45 AM

    always blamed him for that breakup, maybe she was the problem

  6. Ghetto Aristocrat9:49 AM

    yes!!! please!!!

  7. ericaomega10:38 AM

    Yeah, yeah. I think sleeping with another woman then leaving the pics for her to find trumps her possibly being seen as a diva by his parents. He's a douche. She could have just gotten nervous and stiff to be seen as a diva.

  8. Ginger Belvoir11:32 AM

    I'm not a Jessica Simpson fan but Tony Romo is a huge douche.

  9. villagedianne12:18 PM

    Actually you don't have to bounce back and forth. You can click on the link to the next item which is located below the ads in the white space, and just above the "You Might Like" section. The link on the left goes to the previous story, (Yes, it's counter-intuitive). You will have to click through every item if you navigate this way, but I find it easier than going back and forth.
