Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Blind Item #4

This former B list mostly movie actress turned B list television actress on a hit pay cable show has hit the skids lately with no one wanting to hire her. part of the reason might be the pills. She emerged from her apartment the other day for the first time in a week after a massive bender. Her maid said it smelled like death inside.


  1. Jeneral12:15 AM

    Anna Paquin

  2. Apartment? IF you are D list and above, you should be living in a house you own. You have made enough money to pay cash for a house.
    IF you are B list and above, there is no reason for apartment living because you would have made enough money to own rental property! And CRE is the surest way to almost guarantee an endless supply of monthly income. e.g.: Wayne Rogers! John Wayne! Bob Hope! All were (are) real estate moguls in their time.
    Are celebrities morons from outer space?

  3. I'll go with Paz.

  4. PrincessTurkeyEar5:21 AM

    in new york you own your "apartment". just the term used.

  5. Going with paz too she does look likeshe smells
