Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blind Item #4

Look for the offspring of this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee to go live with her family for a year which will probably turn into as long as she is dating the new guy because he is just not feeling the kid thing and unfortunately she seems to be taking her boyfriend's side on this.


  1. Fireflies11:36 PM


  2. Mr Penn probably. He seems self absorbent

  3. Definitely Charlize. There was a story in dm a week ago I think about dfs being called on her by a stranger who observed her letting her son cry and cry while unattended.

  4. katiepotattie1:00 AM

    Haha @eros - made me spit my lemonade everywhere. In the UK dfs is a sofa outlet store!!
    Definitely charlize for this - sad

  5. Princess Demandy-Pants2:16 AM

    Doing ok today, Eros? I was unable to play yesterday but saw the bullshit. I don't particularly care to see a fellow ERP Queen agitated; even if it's just a pissant on the internet.

  6. french girl3:10 AM

    BS BS BS on Theron

  7. Haha thats exactly what I was thinking :))
