Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A- list band member was at a high class event with his actress significant other this past week and actually shot himself up with heroin in one of the bathroom stalls. You could see right through the cracks. He had everything in his suit pocket.


  1. Lady Heisenberg12:48 AM

    Matt Bellamy/Kate Hudson

  2. Lady Heisenberg12:49 AM

    Good morning CDaN.

  3. Athena12:50 AM


    1 of 2. Time for Tricia's reveal!!

  4. Tricia1312:55 AM

    Hiya lady!! Great guess!!!

  5. hunter1:07 AM

    I hate everything that is happening here from the cdancompanion posts to goddamn Athena and her "Tricia Shaw" posts. WTF.

    This site's demise is a tragedy.

  6. teresacrane1:17 AM

    Good guess, Lady :)

    Seriously Athena no one cares

    Agreed @Hunter - WTF indeed

  7. hunter1:18 AM

    I TAKE IT BACK - the www.cdancompanion.blogspot.com site is awesome (!!!!!) - it takes a feed from here and presents it in the way we are accustomed w/ our original user data for posting comments.

    A miracle (thanks!).

  8. Jeannie1:21 AM

    I like the CDAN Companion. It's better than the new site and better than the old site. I can't imagine it makes any money for anybody, but it's a very pleasant read.

    Enty, go to eLance or oDesk and find some smart guys in India who will work hard to iron out your site for a very reasonable fee.

  9. sandybrook1:21 AM

    anyone with a Danny Trejo avi knows their shit

  10. Dexamyl1:23 AM

    Yes @Teresa is right. It's time to stop stalking people, athena.

    @Hunter it's the fastest collapse I've ever seen.

  11. SVixen1:29 AM

    Bellamy looks sooooo much better with goatee. Handsome, almost.

  12. teresacrane1:46 AM

    @Dex - go to the companion site. Everyone is there and it is SO much easier on the eyes

    Plus no Athena!!

  13. PoppyBlack2:32 AM

    If everyone is there why are you still here?

  14. ANoun6:36 AM

    Thank you, thank you for the link to cdan companion. Everything here is overcategorized and it hurts my heart. (The photos should also be on the home page, for one)

  15. Frufra7:22 AM

    I read this real fast and thought it said he was shooting heroin in his balls.

    That's all I got.
