Friday, November 14, 2014

Blind Item #3

This married A+ list mostly movie actor got away with a warning and an instruction to change drivers the other night after he was pulled over for DUI. I guess the police officer is a fan.


  1. french girl3:46 AM


  2. LooLoo4:16 AM

    That cop should be fired. I don't care who this blind is about.

  3. it took forever7:42 AM

    Brad Pitt or Tom Hanks

  4. Becca7:43 AM

    Enty has three comments about this post, while the companion has 15.
    That says it all about the redesign!

  5. it took forever8:00 AM

    Tom Hanks is a known drunkard his PR person try to keep it out of the press

  6. doug kenney9:40 AM

    I am done with this website - which I have bern reading since its first week on Planet Earth - because it is too difficult to read and navigate and because ENT is taking legal action aagainst the Companion Website. ENT should be listening to his readers and fixing this abortion instead of ignoring his readers and acting like a little bitch.

  7. I read this site for the gossip, then got addicted b/c of the commentators. Where is everyone??? This new site sucks dog buttholes.

  8. it took forever6:35 PM

    johnny depp isnt married

  9. where is everyone???

  10. jennster1:37 PM

    We all went elsewhere....this site is too darn confusing with all the adjustments. Too many ads, too many dances around the mulberry bush, and trying to figure out which way is up. Can't stand the new format. Sorry!
