Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blind Item #3

This married B- list mostly television actress from a soon to be ended former hit network show knows she needs a new job and also knows she wants the most fame and money possible for the least amount of work. She played it beautifully. She threw the former front runner for the position under a bus and stole the executive she was having sex with from her and lo and behold our married B lister got herself an audition. Now she is waiting to hear back about whether she got the job. A very big job.


  1. Naya Rivera?

  2. Money Maker4:38 AM

    Enero Jones

  3. I ask that the posters at the CDaN shadow site stop criticizing my choice to remain loyal to this LEGAL CDaN site. I don't need the snooty attitudes from the likes of unstable individuals such as Lady Heisenberg, Derek Harvey, and seven of eleven. Deal with my decision and perhaps you all will be better people and follow my leadership and strong moral ethical presence.

    And all of you leave TalksTooMuch alone. She is having a rough time because her husband is angry she favors full time blogging over spending quality time with her children. It's causing a serious rift between them and she is worried he may turn to another woman for comfort. The stress is causing her to gain a little weight, which is not helping her husband to avoid temptation and seek out a woman who is
    not only more present, but also takes better care of herself

    I admit I am somewhat angry while writing this,but I will calm down and let it go as long as you all stop trolling my gal TTM.

  4. it took forever10:08 AM

    wow you would think the minions would be contented over there but they still drag people for posting here? wow, lol, oh the power

  5. it took forever10:10 AM

    does sound like Naya

  6. Sandy, please tell TTM I said Hello. I haven't been in contact with her since she left this (well, the old one anyway) site right after July 4th reveals.

  7. flawlessish3:37 PM

    If it is the Glee group I'm so glad I never watched that "show." Something about it never set right with me. Then the poor child died with drugs involved and I knew I was glad to stay away. If you ever watched the reality show attached to the project you would want to call child services. It was like watching a subculture porn dungeon performance. On one episode the "producers" of Glee "forced" a young boy who admitted that he was a virgin and was saving his first kiss for marriage, to kiss a boy/girl. Really? Is that what the show was about? "If you want to be in show business, be an artist, sing and dance, you can't have personal sexual boundaries." If you do then you are homophobic. Then there was one episode of the Glee reality talent show where they made the black boy wear a dress and make-up. Really? Really? What happened to not forcing someone out of the closet? I'm glad the show is going off the air and that the spin off staring NeNe Leeks was cancelled. My skin crawls!!!

  8. beckymae6:22 PM

    guys, that was NOT Sandybrook posting there.....it's way too easy on this site to put whatever name you like into the comments....
    TTM and crew have their own site, there is no rift so please just stop farking talking about her and move the fark ON!!

  9. debbiedeb0718:42 PM

    Naya Rivera. The View. P.S. she was horrible!!

  10. sandybrook9:54 PM

    Thnx Becky I wasn't posting on this so didn't even know it's here. Either Becky or I will do that Jason.

  11. sandybrook9:57 PM

    And just in case there is any confusion I have no riffs with any of the people "I" mentioned up above there.
    And Enty you have to do something to get more security with names here.

  12. Where is the other CDAN website and the The TTM website? I can't read this site, too cluttered to find it all. I miss them. Please tell me!
