Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blind Item #2

This B list celebrity from an all-time A list political family is trying to hide two illegitimate children from his B list actress wife but it is tough because he did have some contact with them and does provide for them but didn't want his new wife to leave him so he kept quiet. You know, just like with his affairs.


  1. french girl10:48 PM

    The Kennedy guy recently married with an actress

  2. sandybrook10:49 PM

    Cheryl Hines and RFK jr.

  3. Erin B10:56 PM

    I can't think of anyone else who could fit this but Kennedy/Hines. He seems like a real gem!

  4. El Materdor11:00 PM

    Good ol Kennedy boy.

  5. I like Sandys guess. +1

  6. AndrewBW11:29 PM

    @Erin B - The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  7. It's tough being a Kennedy. When your grandfather, Joe, made (swindled) enough money to leave all of his heirs $300,000 at birth and $300,000 for each of your first four birthdays! What pressure you must be under to NOT foolishly waste such an inheritance/resource!
    C'mon! You start out with such a tough life!

  8. Megley11:57 PM

    RFK should know better than most anyone that it's not the crime that does you in but the coverup. Didn't he learn anything from Uncle Teddy?

  9. Mofessional11:58 PM

    Great guess. RFK, Jr. is also a scary anti-vax douche. I lost a lot of respect for Cheryl Hines when she hooked up with this a-hole.

  10. Unknown9:06 AM

    No wonder his wife committed suicide. I still can't get over the fact he moved her body away from the family plot after she was buried. What kind of person does that? Cheryl, girl you in trouble.
