Monday, November 10, 2014

Blind Item #2

Before agreeing to do a new reality show, this married multiple reality show star negotiated that the company that shoots her show could have footage of the new show because she is going to find a guy to hook up with and start "dating" for a new season of her own show. The ratings are in and her husband has to go.


  1. sandybrook10:48 PM

    Kendra mebbe?

  2. poppy black10:54 PM

    This is Kendra. She's in Australia for 'I'm a Celebrity get me out of Here' which starts soon. What people do for fame and money.

  3. drunk chick11:00 PM

    this is too obvious. kendra

  4. Damn! I was so hoping this was Kim K! LOL

  5. it took forever8:45 AM

    wasnt kendra just on extra talking about how she is sticking by her man and trying to save her family and that the public is being misled
