Monday, October 20, 2014

Your Turn

Pumpkin pie from canned pumpkin or do you use real pumpkins?


  1. no no and hell no

  2. Pumpkintits is the secret ingredient!!!

  3. I use Claim Jumper pumpkin pie. Or Costco.

  4. Pumpkin tits called me dumb so she is getting thrown in my witches coven and being fed to unaware diabetics *cackle cackle cackle* Pass me my brooooom dearie.

    1. Mah boo did whuuuuut? Why you gotta be so mean, @pumpkintits!?!? I'm sure she was only kidding Derek. For what it's worth, I'll take two years of youth over 10 years of wisdom. ;)
      PS- I'm also 30 and it blows. I know I'm not old but it's just the worst but I cannot explain why

  5. I loathe pumpkin pie! Actually, pumpkin anything.

    There I said it, Pumpkin sucks!

  6. I hate pumpkin pie

  7. I hate pumpkin pie

  8. I dont bake pies unless Mrs Smith or Sara Lee baked it frist and froze it for me to rehears.

  9. @Lady H---I know I know: )

  10. So Rhysie may I presume you hate all squash?

    I just made some roasted Delicata squash over the weekend and I swear it was sweeter than pumpkin. IF I was going to bake said pie I would use that as it's ultimately easier than a sugar pie pumpkin to clean and as mentioned, sweeter.

    It's the crust that matters most anyway.

    1. No, I don't hate all squash. I don't know what happened with pumpkin, it's a taste/texture thing for me. It used to be the only pie I really liked was pumpkin pie. I'm weird, I know.

      Hope you're okay,'ve had a rough time of it. <3

  11. Canned.

    Used the fresh stuff one year and it just wasn't as good. Plus, there was a tremendous mess and it took four times as long. Not worth it in any way, shape or form.

  12. Neither. Nasty stuff. I'll go with a Costco cheesecake and a homemade Strawberry Chiffon pie.

  13. Actually hanging in there sweetie..Thanks..It's been pretty lonely here lately. I see them everywhere and my habit to go kiss them several times a day is still there. Sob...

  14. Pumpkin butt sounds cooler than pumpkin tits.

  15. @Sherry soooo sorry, I haven't said that to you yet, i cant imagine! and i know the day willl come, it has to unfortunately. So many people have told me they'll never get a pet again bcuz the loss is too much. I totally understand. My heart breaks for you. Mr. Sherry will prob take those extra kisses. lol

    And, Iv'e nevah heard of Delicata squash, but thanks for mentioning it. It sounds good right now.

    I'll take a Venti, Delicata Latte, Please.

  16. I just made one with the last of my frozen pumpkin. I'm not doing that again! I'll stick to sweet potatoes! Easier to cook and clean.

  17. Buy one already made at the store. I do use canned pumpkin for my pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin bread.

  18. I own a bakery. I do a few versions of pumpkin pie where I do use fresh, canned and a combo of both.

  19. I made an amazing pumpkin pie from scratch for Canadian Thanksgiving and I used real squash (no pumpkins here in Paris). It was seriously delicious and I am making the same for American Thanksgiving. Look it up it's called Heirloom squash something.

  20. Actually mostly use canned butternut squash with canned pumpkin. And usually make pumpkin cheesecake. Store-bought pre-fab pies usually have too much crap in them.

  21. Canned and I love just about anything pumpkin.

  22. I'm OK with pumpkin. Don't like pumpkin pie, but I make a mean pumpkin cream cheese roll, and I like pumpkin chili. The only thing that annoys me is everything pumpkin flavored throughout October and November. Pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin potato chips, pumpkin eggnog (ewww), pumpkin bread/cinnamon rolls/muffins/cake...

    Canned pumpkin is easiest, but sugar pie pumpkins have a unique taste.

  23. Pumpkin is m favorite flavor for baked goodies...pie, bread, scones, waffles, mousse, cookies. It's a good source of vitamin A. Canned makes the process almost effortless. For pie I make a crumb crust out of ginger wafers (Anna's) and butter in a flat souffle dish. I have to buy twice as many wafers as is called for because I eat them like potato chips. When this is baked the the crust gets a crunchy toffee texture. I hate pie crust because it always tastes like wet cardboard, but this one is so good it's beyond my ability to resist. The pie is even better if you stir in some pecans. When I follow the recipe on the Libbys can, I only use 1/2 the sugar. Serve with freshly whipped cream with sugar and vanilla.

    1. Blaise-did somebody say crunchy toffe like flavor? Because that like i died and went to heaven!

  24. Pumpkin cheesecake sounds yummy.

  25. If you ever have tried cooking down pumpkin into puree, u know how labor intensive it is. Canned is fine.

    1. I grow my own very meaty pumpkins, and there isn't that much liquid. Plus, they're far tastier than commercially available fruit. I can send some harvested seeds if you wanna try again.

  26. Canned. But I use the canned pumpkin NOT the canned pumpkin pie mix. I prefer to put my own spices and everything in it. Way too time consuming to use a real pumpkin (tried it with my mom a couple times) and it just didn't taste as good. There are pumpkins that are grown just for using as jack-o-lanterns/decorations and then the ones to use as food. It's hard to find the latter.

    1. My offer to others to send my own harvested seeds from a meaty, more tasty pumpkin stands for you, as well. I've got more seeds than I could ever use, even if I never harvested another.

  27. Marie frozen and as good as any I could bake. Plain canned pumpkin is supposed to be a great natural remedy for kitties' hairballs, but my cat refuses to try it.

  28. Eww pumpkin

    Canned pumpkin is not even pumpkin.

  29. Real. Sugar and cheese pumpkins are the best to use with pies. Cut in half, roast for an hour, scoop out the seeds and puree the cooked pumpkin. Scrumptious.

  30. SYF..Thanks sweetie. I will get a pet again and I swear the way I'm feeling it might be sooner than we plan. We want to adopt a pet where someone has to move and cannot take them or an elderly person cannot care for them..

    I did give all their "stuff" to others who had pets so their legacy lives on...

  31. Both, but I like to use the the pumpkins that are smaller for baking. Pumpkin soup is delicious if you've never had it before.

  32. I just buy a pie...except mine has chocolate cream in it instead of pumpkin.

  33. I grow my own pumpkins, or buy organic.
    Cooking and processing them is really easy, actually. I make usually about ten bags and stick them in the freezer.

  34. I use real pumpkin, not "pie filling", but it comes out of a can. The ingredients are Pumpkin, so why the hell not? Plus, processing fresh pumpkin is just a huge pain in the ass.

  35. And the pies look weird with fresh pumpkin too. too. Ugh. Let somebody else do the dirty work.

  36. Canned. Pumpkin pie is the only pumpkin anything I like.

  37. Sherry, I'm WAY behind here -- migraines, depression, no real internet -- but I figured out from the exchanges here that you lost a furbaby (or more than one?!), and I am so, SO sorry. I held my own kitty's urn yesterday and just sobbed, and I probably do that at least twice a month. We just never get over that loss. It abates with time, but it is always with heavy hearts that we think of them, even when we remember the happy days. Stay strong and keep moving forward a day at a time, sweetie. Again, I am just so sorry. (((HUGS)))
