Friday, October 10, 2014

Your Turn

Favorite horror movie. Was it the one that scared you the most?


  1. I love Dead Alive. It scares me most though. I hate clowns.

  2. Jaws. I saw sharks coming through my bedroom door.

  3. I don't do scary movies! Too stressful.

    OT/ anyone read about GOOP gushing at Obama? She had a fundraiser at her house for the Democratic Party. Utter cringe!!

    1. Cut and pasted from US:

      mom-of two told Obama, "I am one of your biggest fans, if not the biggest," before praising him for being an "incredible role model."

      She went on to talk about the importance of sustainable energy sources, and to praise Obama's support for equal pay which Paltrow (who Forbes estimates earns an amazing $19 million a year) said was, "very important to me as a working mother."

      Then, overcome with nerves, the actress stumbled a little before passing the microphone off to the President, telling him flirtatiously, "You're so handsome that I can't speak properly.”

      Read more:
      Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook

    2. @FearN- yup. Goop pissed her neighbors yet again to the point that they've put posters mocking her up all over the neighborhood. Calling her Obama's Drone or some shit

    3. "You're so handsome that I can't speak properly"? GAG.

    4. 7-11-shes such a twat.

  4. Bride of Chucky and House on Haunted Hill (original).

    Did someone want some Charlie Hunnam?

    1. Thanks (hits download button)!!

    2. Good lord thank you for that! @VIP

  5. Replies
    1. Exorcist. Best. Horror. Movie. Ever. Do you know what your *******daughter did?".

  6. Requiem for a Dream A2A scares me! Moreso the way Ellen Burstyn becomes addicted, put away and given shock treatment.

  7. I'm going to have to go with JAWS...cause I'm now damaged because of it.

    Also, in the Exorcist when the girl crawls down the stairs upside down and backwards. Freaked me out.

    BTW...Anyone see the new AHS Wed night?

  8. 2nd Halloween. I think it was the creepy synthesizer music.
    As an adult I watched The Strangers and freaked out.
    No answering the door in a random fashion late at night for me. No sir.

  9. Creepypasta on reddit is 1000X more terrifying than any movie i've ever seen.

    1. That's some scary shit!

    2. Abandoned by Disney is my favorite creepypasta so far!

  10. I'm not a fan of horror movies, but "Die, Monster, Die" with Boris Karloff & Nick Adams is my favorite.

    It's actually a very cheesy movie, but I love it.

    1. Oh, I forgot. "Trilogy of Terror" with Karen Black. I only saw it a couple of times in the 70s. Scared the shit outta me each time.

      I googled it a couple of years ago & when I read the description, I realized the source of my nightmares over the years. It would always involve wild-eyed tiny creatures with razor-sharp teeth tearing the flesh off my ankles.

      Since then, no more nightmares! LOL

  11. Yes crila..I have a feeling it has jumped the shark
    Too much all over the place noise going on.
    I really want to be wrong though, I love the concept and the show.

  12. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The (Damn) Ring. I don't know why that freaked the crap out of me.

    1. Yes it scared me good on HBO on a Saturday nite. Even more fun, watching my other 1/2 watch it 3 hrs later on HBO west - jumping off the couch!

  13. Accidently saw The Blob as a kid. Couldnt go near toilet for months.

  14. On equal degrees, when I was a small girl, The Exorcist, Poltergeist and The Entity.

  15. The Exorcist, for sure. *shudder*

  16. The Grudge. For some reason, it freaked me out. Immediately after watching it, I had to return it to get it out of the house.

  17. Mine is also "Jaws". I had a craptastic mom, who took me to see it when I was 5. I wouldn't take a bath bc I was scared. 41 yrs later and I can't go into the Gulf bc I am (rightfully) afraid of the water.

  18. I'll take Lovecraft over any horror movie. Don't read him before bed! The dreams...

    1. Oh LowKey respect for being a fan of H.P. my hubby recently started reading his stories after much nagging. He's digging it. So heavily emulated/copied/paid homage to.

  19. Child play 1 and 2
    The exorcist

  20. Definitely Nightmare On Elm Street.

  21. @Bacon...completely agree. Makes me kinda sad. At least the Walking Dead is back on Sunday. That hasn't jumped anything yet. Love it.

    Goop sucks. She's getting desperate for attention as she gets older. Its' sad.

  22. Exorcist. Story time: When I was 7, my aunt and uncle were babysitting me, and by that I mean drinking with friends while they left me alone in a dark bedroom watching the Exorcist, uncensored. In the middle of the "let Jesus fuck you!" scene, uncle comes running in to the room, screaming and wearing a scary Halloween mask. I promptly fainted. What. A. Jackass. At 32 I am still terrified of that movie, and Pazuzu is my boogeyman.

    1. Omg why did they not care what we were watching? I was allowed to watch Rosemarys baby and couldn't pee without all the lights in the house on for months!

  23. I'm not sure how I feel about AHS yet @crila and pumpkintits. I was sad they ripped off Evan Shockerhands from Troma (a character had a similar arc in Tromeo and Juliet). The clown is horrifying and I'm obsessed with Chiklis after the Shield though. I try to never write off shows based on the premiere or pilot though.

  24. Not sure if it qualifies, but When A Stranger Calls (1979) scared the living shit out of me!!! Well, if it scared me, I guess it qualifies. LOL

    1. This definitely qualifies and is in my top 2! If you haven't seen the sequel - when a stranger calls back - then you must watch it. Terrifying. Truly unforgettable.

  25. Reanimator when I was a kid apparently rendered me immune to movie fright. I haven't been scared of a movie since then.

    I remember watching The Ring with a guy who was twice my size, and he asked me turn on the light midway through the movie. I still haven't let him forget it. :D

  26. Phantasm and the original Carrie

  27. Omen, the late 70’s trilogy. Sam Neill at his best devilish.

  28. Session 9 freaked me out. The voice in in is seriously creepy. I don't get scared that much but I was definitely scared by the first Paranomal Activity

  29. JAWS..I made my kids watch it, at the beach house, then took them to the beach (I know, but I promise it wasn't on purpose), it didn't even phase them. Kids today....they so desensitized!

  30. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I also had a mom who let me watch horror flicks at an inappropriately young age. Runner-up would be Killer Clowns from Outer Space...terrifying for a six year old.

    As an adult, The Strangers was one that scared me shitless as well.

    AHS Premiere: Did anyone else think the background music was too effing loud? And Kathy Bates' accent was terrible? Still holding out hope. The clown was frightening.

    1. Still can't figure out what Kathy's accent was supposed to be!

  31. Saw House on Haunted Hill on tv as a kid, my first sleepless nite, I think and I still love all William Castle's gimmicky films.

  32. Hitchcock's The Birds, Jaws of course, Nightstalker, but in terms of indelible impressions, Exorcist and The Butterfly Collector, a UK movie, the last movie kept creeping into my brain and freaking me out when I was sleeping for months - I just looked it up Terence Stamp played the lead shut up - I guess it was a thriller more than horror but thrillers to me are scarier anyway.

  33. Cape Fear - Scorsese version. Should have won the Oscar in '91. Fuck you Silence of the Lambs.

  34. Friday the 13th is my favorite Slasher film, The Shining is my fav for suspense.

    I too could not take the overly loud background music on AHS--tame that shit down, it was hard enough to understand Jessica's german accent with the music--I'm not loving this so far and damn that clown is cree-PY!

  35. Original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Parents took us to see it at the drive-in when it debuted in '74. Scarred for life.

  36. "Alien" scared me witless, and I was 22 when it came out! By the time that movie was over I was under the theater seat. The sequel was such a mammoth disappointment.

    It's not necessarily scary but if you ever get to see the original Japanese version of Godzilla ("Gojira") check it out. It's brilliant. It was completely butchered when it was released in America a couple of years later.

  37. Jaws didn't really scare me, I just thought we don't have these sharks on the west coast. Ya, I was a smart kid.

    I've never liked scary movies, even previews freak me out. I remember being scared of Bette Davis in What Ever Happenec To Baby Jane and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte.

  38. Tommy, for the Acid Queen.
    Favorite: In the Mouth of Madness

  39. Phantasm.
    Hands down, the best.

    Close second? Anything involving a ventriloquist dummy.
    Can't stand them, won't have one in the house.

  40. ALIEN.

    (Cheers to AndrewBW!)

  41. "Alien", "Evil Dead" trilogy, "quién puede matar a un niño", "the serpent and the rainbow", "the fly" (1986), "toxic avenger", "wicker man" (the one with no Cage in it), "body snatchers" (1956), "freaks".

    According to my votes in some film web, these are my 10 preferred terror movies, if I haven's missed any.

    1. Our lists eerily similar, but I add Night of the Living Dead

  42. I have to be in the right mood to get scared - I evidently was in the right mood when I watched "13 Ghosts" with Tony Shaloub. Had nightmares for weeks. That and silence of the Lambs.

  43. Prince of Darkness scared the crap out of me, so did the Exorcist III, for the one scene with the shears.

  44. 2 from the early 30s: Island of Lost Souls and Freaks

  45. @GatorGirl RB?! That's just mean to have a kid watch. In my case, the responsible adults put it on for me to watch. On the plus side, I am now bulletproof when it comes to (non-possession themed) horror! :)

  46. @Frosty ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Never had I feared someone turning me into a chicken until Freaks.

  47. Thank u @VIPblonde! Made my boring Friday Afternoon! The original the omen,the exorcist and Texas chainsaw are terrifying! Suspiria is pretty freaky too!

  48. Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981) (They're like one movie.)

    Friday the 13th (1980) and Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) (They're also like one movie.)

    Just Before Dawn (1981)

    My Bloody Valentine (1981)

    1981 was a killer (pun intended!) year for horror movies.

  49. The one that scared me the most as a kid: Candy Man
    My fave: The Original Halloween nothing beats that musical score.

  50. Wait Until Dark. Or Deliverence-man that freaked me out good. Now ," the Exorcist"? The night mr liddy and i watched that we were in silly mood, laughed thru whole thing, pretended out dog was possessed( seamus, your mother eats dog biscuits in hell was one of our knee slappers), and then tried to make evil faces while we made our heads go around. So that was not scary to us, lol. We laughed so hard we cried.

  51. 28 Days Later had me shaking like a leaf

    Now I'm convinced of an impending zombie apocalypse

  52. Evil Dead 2 is excellent!

  53. Ohmygod, Mia Farrow was in a random movie called "The Haunting of Julia" that will scare the ever-loving sh*t out of you. That and George C. Scott's "The Changeling". Scary movies are fun, but my suspicious-ass Nana once told me when I was little, "If you watch scary movies, the ghosts will think you want to see them!" I'm 33 and I still have to sleep with all the lights on after.

    particularly when the demon kid would visit his friend at night. he would be floating outside his friend's window. gave me nightmares for years.

    i would NOT watch the EXORCIST for many many years. the first time i watched it i think i was 35 and i still did not watch the whole thing.

    honorable mentions to AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. THIS movie is actually my FAVORITE horror movie. salems lot just gave me effing nightmares.

  55. I think it depends on the age you saw the movie. As a child I saw "The Haunting of Hill House", black and white version, and it scared the bejeebus out of me. I couldn't watch the Exorcist for years but finally did, many years later, on a bright sunny day with the curtains open. It still scared me.

  56. The Shining still terrifies me to this day even though I've seen it 6 times. The best recent scary movie is The Conjuring.

  57. 28 Days Later --- scared the bejesus out of me & I loved every second of it!! The way the illness starts seems like it could actually happen.

  58. The original 'Amityville Horror' (with Brolin and Kidder).

    I still believed in god at the time, so the demon bullshit really hit home (not to mention that the story was marketed as non-fiction when it came out).

    The scene with the rocking chair and the glowing pig eyes in the window still puts bumps on my arms thirty years later...!

  59. I don't think anyone's mentioned this, but The Descent is awesomely scary.

    Also, Exorcist III is seriously underrated. George C. Scott AND Brad Dourif.

  60. I saw Fire in the Sky against my will as a young child and will never be the same.

  61. Friday the 13th. Horrifying when he jumped out of the lake. Ughhhh!

  62. Cornel Wilde as "The Naked Prey." 1966 That film was so horrifying and scary that I think I turned it off before the end.

  63. A tie between Pet Semetary and and It.

  64. The Shining and Children of the Corn.

  65. @Lexa. The Descent is awesome! Good call.

  66. I'm not really a big horror movie fan to begin with, but I do have to say that the last minute or so of the original Carrie still scares the shit out of me every time I see, in spite of knowing exactly what's going to happen! (Did anyone see the remake, and did they do the same thing at the end of that one?)

    (Not spoiling it because who knows who hasn't seen it yet?)

  67. @Robin. Nope. They didn't include that in the ending. I enjoyed the remake, they modernized it, but the original is tops.

  68. The Exorcist, which I saw at a drive in movie theatre. Not a great choice of venue. Slept with the light on for 3 days afterwards. Scared the crap outta me.

  69. Salem's Lot (David Soul version.) I know it was a mini-series, but watching that at home, especially the scene with the dead brother scratching at the window. Scared the crap out of me in ways Jason and Freddie never did.

  70. Not a movie, but reading Boston Strangler at about 14 or so scared the crap out of me. Bigtime.

  71. Wait Until Dark.

    Trilogy of Terror with the Zuni doll.

    Several episodes of Night Gallery.

    Magic with Anthony Hopkins.

    Black Christmas.

  72. Wait Until Dark.

    Trilogy of Terror with the Zuni doll.

    Several episodes of Night Gallery.

    Magic with Anthony Hopkins.

    Black Christmas.

  73. Anything with dolls or clowns in it

  74. BoredBot: for me I would add scary children. Love Japanese horror. Spanish horror. Just. Love. Horror.

  75. The Omen. I was raised Catholic so primed to believe that it was possible. I saw it when I was 11 and didn't sleep properly for three years. Just enough time to watch Omen 2.....

  76. The Omen
    The Exorcist

  77. @Gayyeld
    That's mine too! The 1979 'Salem's Lot is the best. The little kid vampire scratching at the window gave me nightmares for weeks. I still can't believe that came out on TV. Toby Hooper who directed the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre also directed the original 'Salem's Lot.

    I was also scared by George Romero's Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. I like my flesh eaters slow and decaying.

    I also like the Italian flesh eating movies, like Zombi 2, because they are so strange in narration.

    The original Omen movies were good too.

  78. Anonymous7:50 PM

    The Haunting of Hill House - those creepy baby faces in the wallpaper.

    Psycho. Saw it when I was 10 or so and still feel vulnerable taking a shower 44 years later.

    The Haunting of Julia is pretty creepy but not near as much as the book that it came from - "Julia" by Peter Straub.

    The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Horrible and nuts.

    I love a good creepy movie, though, and am willing to sit through the most dreadful shlock waiting for that one moment of ice to the spine. Not gore-porn, but real honest-to-goodness scary.

    I also didn't mind The Others, and Dream House had it's moments as well.

  79. I often mention the Salem's Lot scene others here mentioned - the kid floating outside the window and scraping it. The Omen freaked me out, saw it when I was ten. I kept turning around thinking Damien was standing and staring at me. The Omen II with the kid under the ice. The Shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist. Reverend Kane from Poltergeist II freaked me out.
