Monday, October 20, 2014

Will And Kate's Baby Is Due In April - Was She Expecting Twins?

If you had April in the pool for William and Kate's baby then you are off to a good start. Presumably now there will be a separate pool for which day in April and anything that the bookies can think of a bet for where they will make a lot of money. The report also said a baby, and not twins, despite many reports that said the couple was expecting twins. I have to say that I was fully on board the twins thing and bookmakers took down the twins bets after several hundred people bet on twins within a fifteen minute window several weeks ago. Then Kate. goes into hiding for those few weeks and the next thing you know there is an announcement of the due date and that the couple is having a single baby. Yes, it is a conspiracy theory, but hey, it is a Monday and there is no Halloween candy out front at reception so I have to do something to take my mind off chocolate. 


  1. I hope it's a girl. I bet she would have William wrapped around her finger in no time.

  2. That's she gotten super sick like the last time? That's got to be just so awful to be that I'll AND pregnant. All the best for a healthy princess this time.

  3. It's sad if that is true. I was sort of there on the twin thing when the bookies removed it as a betting option.

  4. Yes. It's been reported that she has that severe morning sickness again, which is why they had to announce her pregnancy way earlier than they would have. She had to cancel appearances and whatnot.
    She's taking her Royal Responsibility very seriously, it seems.
    I think they're adorable and I'm besotted with Georgie.

  5. Having reas a first person account of what its like to have kind of morning sickness, i really feel for her. She will prob be sick the entire pregnancy, and thakes like 8 months outta commission, so twins wld be a great cosmic gift for her.

  6. However, Monaco's Princess Charlene IS expecting twins, so the succession issue might be interesting...

  7. Now Charlene I feel badly for. She looks terrified most of the time.

  8. Charlene looks terrified because she hates her husband and is like a rat in a cage over in monoco.

    1. Suge and kwo- yes!!!! Im always wondering about the charlene set up. Remember she tried to run away the night before they martied and was nabbed at airport by police and brought back to palace??!! What that about? She cried thru her wedding, and ur right, she cldnt look more miserable all the time. What does he hv on her that she is his prisoner???!! Oh im dying to know. I think hes a nasty creep at very least. Anyone know anything??

    2. Apparently, it wasn't her first attempt at escape. I recall something about her being in Africa, with no intention of returning. The airport adventure was when she tried to escape, was detained, and her passport taken.

  9. I'm betting on a 4/20 baby

  10. The twins rumors are always around, not just for The Duchess but for every pregnant celeb. It's the tabloid go-to headline. I doubt Kate was pregnant with twins, even though there are twins in both families.

    Also, what Kate is sick with is WAY worse than morning sickness. She is suffering from an illness that is life-threatening if not treated.

  11. Enty you are such a hag. I had HG with both of my pregnancies and it's literally the worst thing ever. A lot of women if they don't get treatment will lose the baby. I couldn't eat anything or smell anything for the entirety of both pregnancies. It's a lot more than "morning sickness" and the hiding she went into was probably because she was so weak/exhausted from puking and so she didn't barf in public. Because believe me, you smell something nasty or the temperature changes and you are heaving.

  12. Yeah I feel sorry for her that some seem to think the hyperemesis gravidarum is an excuse they're giving out so she can have time off & not bother doing the royal duty thing. My sister-in-law had that illness & holy crap it is not an excuse for anything, she was beyond sick through almost all her pragnancy, just leaving the house sometimes was a blessing. Thankfully treatment went fine & everything ended up ok but that illness is no joke & it's not just a pregnant lady feeling a bit ill & wanting to put her feet up.

    Hope all goes well with this baby.

  13. Yes, all women relate and support her enty, you dope. Shes hvng a brutal time and ur snarking she's sloughng off? Tsk tsk. No bacon for you!!

  14. Wait for Prunella to weigh in, she's the expert on the Monaco Royal family. And my friend had the same thing as Kate with both her prenancies. She was hospitalized on intravenous for months each time, literally could not stop vomiting. It was awful both times.

  15. Poor Charlene. I can't imagine her life. I can't imagine her having to see Fat Albert naked. She lived in Monaco for over five years, being supported by him. Maybe the agreement was that she had to marry him and produce an heir or she would have to pay back all the money he spent on her. Poor girl made a deal with the devil. She is the only woman he has been with who is"suitable" for marriage to an heir, even if he's just heir to a rock with a nice view, he needed to marry someone who wasn't an obvious 'ho.

  16. Kate was pregnant around the same time as I was with my first, as well (I think George was born a month or so later than our son).

    Now, we're pregnant with number two and due April 30th. It's like the Royals are watching us...

    I should place a bet for the 30th.

  17. Twins are murder to carry…

  18. Zofran is a godsend.

  19. Congrats, @Cornbread!

    Totally agree with the whining about her "going into hiding". HG is HELL. A friend of mine had it and was hospitalized twice for dehydration and malnutrition. She's not chickening out, she's hunkering down, and that makes her a good mom, not a whining royal.

  20. Was just thinking how the media has been so quiet about royal baby number 2. I know it is not as exciting as the first, but still, I was wondering if something was wrong.

    Had HG myself, worst time of my life. At least Kate doesn't have to worry about missing work, financial pressures, or hospital bills. If she has a girl, the public is going to go wild. Diana had crazy charisma which none of the royals (except maybe Harry) currently have.

  21. Why make an announcement. Who was asking? This is like "look here, look at us and not at that gorgeous and well-dressed human rights lawyer who is fighting to bring back the elgin marbles back to its rightful owner, and who married hollywood royalty. we ARE the real royals." This is image management by the royal household/administration to nurture and maintain a system based on lineage rather than merit. "Look at us, we're gorgeous and we're making cute babies. Don't mind that we have no accomplishments that deserve the public's admiration."

  22. @masha, I'm sensing a little angst as far as the Royals go ;)

  23. @skippy : just a little ;-)
