Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tori Spelling Is In The Hospital Again - Wants You To Think It Is Life Threatening

Tori Spelling can conjure up a hospital admission faster than Jennifer Aniston can grab her stomach and get a baby on the way tabloid cover. Yesterday Tori was admitted to the hospital and wants you to think she might possibly have Ebola like symptoms and has been locked down and placed under quarantine. The only problem with all of that is she also wants you to know that despite her quarantine and how no one is supposed to be able to visit her because her disease is so serious, that she does have Dean there with her and will be able to Tweet to her fans and somehow the camera crew from her reality show are also able to be there during her quarantine. I'm not really sure if there is a disease that Tori has not contracted or if there is a low that she is not willing to reach down and try in order to get people to notice her and stay in front of the cameras. The lengths she will go to are pretty amazing. 


  1. Ebola is an Americn epidemic y'all. There's 330,000,000 people (or so) in America and 3 documented cases of ebola. In the meantime while I was typing this 45 people died of old age. Now THERE'S an epidemic and it has no cure! :(

  2. Well if stupid and ugly can be contracted than she needs to be quaranted for the publics safety. As well as her poor childrens. and bring your village idiot husband with you!

  3. Maybe she had a case of the Mondays.

    1. Nah, she has a case of Acute Famewhoritis Gravidum.

    2. Haha I nearly spit up my coffee laughing over that one! To be known as AFG henceforth!

  4. She is so pathetic. I cringe every time I see a clip from her show.

  5. I wonder if Aaron would have left her a hefty trust and not all to Candy would she be so greedy for money and fame as she is.

  6. Whelp, since no one else will, I will just wish her well.

  7. yes she has a disease it's called stupidity mixed with a bit of anorexia. Not that I'm making fun of people with eating disorders, but if she's ill it could be that she has deprived her body for YEARS.

  8. I would hope that a legit hospital would not let her pretend to have a medical problem (Enterovirus per the DM), for a storyline.

  9. Aaron must be rolling in his grave. Strangely Shannon Doherty seemed to be the most well-adjusted chick from 90210. Well her or Andrea Zuckerman...

  10. I think she has pretty serious intestinal issues. Whether she's having them no, i dont know.

  11. Pathetic "Princess"...........ahem....

  12. If she ever is really ill who will believe it? Too much crying wolf, although in h'wood takemypictureitis is probably an epidemic.

  13. Hoof and mouth disease is contagious.

  14. She seems to have 90s has been disease which is becoming an epidemic in itself

  15. Maybe her fake melon boobs have pulled her spine completely out of alignment. That can cause some pain.

  16. Tori eat something

  17. Um she had a fever and was diagnosed with bronchitis. End of story. It was on TMZ or People yesterday.

    1. I don't know if this will turn out clicky http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/20/tori-spelling-hospitalized-illness-sick-quarantine/

  18. Yeeeaaaahhh...because she's been selflessly caring for Ebola victims without a hazmat suit. Riight.
    Calling this Münchausen syndrome would elevate it too much. Desperate twit works.

  19. No wonder she has to do so many shows: all those hospital stays are expensive, y'all!

  20. She is everything that is All Wrong

  21. It was reported already, bronchitis or a sinus infection.

    How is her show even still on TV? Who watches this ridiculousness?

    1. Because I check into the hospital every time I have a sinus infection.

    2. HR lady said nothing to the contrary. She merely made the observation that the fact she still has a show fills most with incredulity.

  22. @sandybrook...LOL!!!

    My co-worker called out sick today. She went to St. Maarten last week, and came back not feeling well. She's convinced she caught Ebola on the plane.

  23. If I were her mother i'd give her some $$$ already to save my family the embarassment and shut her up!

  24. If I were her mother i'd give her some $$$ already to save my family the embarassment and shut her up!

    1. Sbreezy- but candy loves the inadverant attention! Loves it!

  25. The DM says she has that respiratory enterovirus that killed a few kids.

  26. She's been diagnosed with Her New Show Premieres Tomorrow Disease

  27. I was disappointed that Jennie Garth's book had no dirt in it. No wild Shannen tales. No Tori. Not even an Amanda story. The book was as bland as you can imagine. Jason Priestley's book had more juice in it.

  28. She looks so skinny. She's always been thin, but she looks like she has a major eating disorder.

  29. "Hoof and mouth", ha! Annoying. Who tells people when they go to the ER? Who does that?

  30. my mom absolutely loves her. I do not understand it nor never will. Someday I think the only things I have in common with my mom are surname and gender. This is one of those days.

  31. She was just on a commercial the other day saying she might be (wait for it) PREGNANT! What next Tori? What next?

  32. @sandybrook - hilarious. But wait, old age isn't CONTAGIOUS!

    I feel so sorry for Tori Spelling's children. In 20 years we'll probably be reading about their misbehavior on CDAN.

    Oh well, they'll probably inherit a huge chunk of grandma Candy's money so they'll be set for life.
