Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Tweener Needs Rehab Again

This former A list tweener turned B list mostly movie actor connected with his pimp/drug dealer again and that is never good. For three days they partied and our tweener's sober coach was corrupted by the fame and glamour and and is loving all of the attention and forgot the reason why she was supposed to be there. Instead of being sober and being a voice of reason she became the first one to start smoking and drinking and partying and gladly joined in when the actor was given a "model" for the night by his benefactor. Just when you think our tweener is making strides he slips in a massive way and then thinks he can right the ship The only good news coming out of this most recent bender was the lack of heroin which made an appearance over the summer. Our actor though is as bad off as he has been in the past year. 


  1. Watch out for Cubsfan!

  2. Z

    I like my guess

  3. Maybe Cubsfan knows?

  4. Pronoun changes from she to he.

  5. The only thing cubsfan will like about this is the "model" seems to be a female

  6. lmao

    too bad so sad : (

    Yet Lindsay is constantly crucified for pretty much the same behaviour. Not defending her just saying typical Hollywood double standard...

    1. Hasn't Lindsay been at it longer, though. Give Zac a few more years.

  7. @Sandybrook--lol! but is Cubsfan male or female?

  8. Zac the crack lol sigh

  9. The she in this tale is Sami miro
    Derek I think cubsfan is female becuz that person is always upset about the gay stuff.

  10. Is this a Mr X blind? Zac, Zac, Zac
    Here's the thing - drugs are fun. More fun than being sober. Don't hire a "sober coach" who doesn't understand that.

  11. LOL @ these comments

  12. Oooh, y'all are gonna get it!!! Cubsfan is gonna kick your asses!!


  13. He was decent in The Neighbors but Dave Franco outshined him hard

    1. I just went through his IMDB and am proud to say the only shit I've seen him in is Hairspray

  14. For the record, I don't believe this kid's ever been sober. I don't judge him for that, aside from probable lack of honesty.

  15. and his "sober coach" looked like some random young chick he picked up at the mall

  16. Trying so hard not to comment. These are the times I miss Marieeeee! She had such a good sense of humor about her hate for Emma.

    I'm sure cubsfan is a nice gal and I apologize for ribbing her about Zac. It is fun though. I'll tell ya that!

    1. Exactly. I also miss the person who always went off about KScrew and how she fucked over Nikki Reed by stealing RPatz from her.

  17. Hire a professional sober coach, not one that you can pass off as his girlfriend.

  18. Zac is gonna end up a tragic story

  19. He turned 27 last week...

  20. OT - why is Lilo involved in or commenting on the Brazilian presidential campaign?

    1. @Kno: Because Lilo is an undisputed expert on both Brazilians AND presidentials

      NOUN: a sexual act in which, after swallowing the male's ejaculate, the female sucks on his nutsack for a while, then says, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President," in the style of Marilyn Monroe.

    2. The only thing Lilo knows about Brazilians involves wax.

  21. True. The sober coach looks ruffffffff.

    IDK. Who's leakin this? Just not sure I beleive this for some reason. (You're welcome Cubsfan)

    Blowhan acts like an entitled twat, steals things, blows random dudes for drugs (well, ok maybe that's a common trait but we can't be sure yet), repeatedly gets in trouble with tbe law, thinks she's waaayyyy above everyone else, etc...
    So far, there's quite a difference.
    And Zac is still hot. Lol.

  22. A real sober coach would never be of the opposite sex

  23. @SYF---I am sure at this point Zac has done that all---just better at not getting caught (Maybe I will give him being smarter) a junky is a junky
    Remember him pulling up in his Mercedes in Skid Row and getting into a scrap with a homeless man? He is a jerk.

    @Kno--haha she is a diverse woman lol---but she does have a bizarrely huge fan base in Brazil

  24. Oh, Zac =(
    And I really think people would feel bad for Blohan--I sure did!--if she didn't just act like an entitled, lying brat all the time. Zac seems genuinely nice but struggles with his addictions. Lindsay is a lying asshole who also happens to be an addict.
    And FWIW, all addicts lie about their sobriety. That's not what I mean when I say LiLo is a liar.

  25. FrenchGirl, if you're gay then a sober coach of the opposite sex shouldn't be an issue.

    And of course it's Zac...Any former tweener with a drug problem that's male is Zac...

  26. This gives me the sads 😭. My son looks a lot like him from his high school musical days and I want him to get his $hit straight because I have a motherly affection for him because of the resemblance.

  27. yeah drugs are fun. booze is fun. what they do to you is not fun. and after you get sober, you realize they really weren't as much fun as you thought. in fact, life without is better. it's clear, you're present.

    so please don't say it's say being high is better. 8 years sober here----this is better.

  28. ^ well said! and well done@ nancer...!!.. Fight the good fight....

  29. Plz, LiLo's issue was she'd go out & party all night, then not show up for work the next day, like what she did on her reality show.

  30. A sober coach began the partying???? I'm not believing that. I'm sure this is intended to be Zac.

  31. A sober coach began the partying???? I'm not believing that. I'm sure this is intended to be Zac.

  32. @Jessica--but so did Zach--they had to stop production on The Neighbours and the cast were pissed ---he made alota enemies filming that

  33. Oh Zac. It's sad. As beautiful as he is physically, there is a definite lack of self confidence/esteem. I feel for him.

  34. They where in Amsterdam this weekend and partied at the Amsterdam Dance Event. Sad, he seems like a nice guy.

  35. LiLo was given mutliple chances on other movies, she did it again & again, even pissing off Jane Fonda enough to publicly call her out.

  36. I am just saying Zac is following in her footsteps and being good looking and guy smiley doesn't make someone "a good guy"

  37. I get I it that people get angry when one of the workers aren't pulling their weight. In any job.
    The constant attention & our need to know! Must be awful for people who are dealing with their own demons.
    It's a gossip site. I get it. & double standards of course, but why, just because someone is famous, do they have to reveal everything about themselves?
    Not just addictions, also sexual orientation, experimenting who you kissed or shagged last night , which salad you ate, or if you just had air for dinner.
    I just feel for people sometimes. They are no different to all of us. We all crawled before we walked.
    I think I'm just sad for Zac. :/

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  39. hi Cubsfan---you know we are just joking around with you---we ALL have our fav celebs we go nuts for occasionally

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  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. so why did he get into a fight with a homeless man at Skid Row in the middle of the night (caught on camera)
    How did he fall through a glass table?
    Why was the production of The Neighbours put on hold for his behaviour?

  43. @ sea_breezy
    so were just supposed to believe a random person on here that you 'happen'' to know zac and his friends.. hmm sure ok, if you really knew zac , you wouldt be on a gossip site of all places??????

  44. I think @sea_breezy is the sober coach LOL

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  46. @Sea---that's cool no need to explain why you are here--I can barely figure out why Im here

    but for the reasons I stated I believe there is a side of him that you and your producer friend do not know. Not a good side.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. @Sea---I did not grow-up in the backwoods--I am well aware what goes down in the city at night. When he fell through a glass table ---he was at home by himself and had to call 911. And I have never managed to pick a fight with the homeless in a tunnel on my way home from the club

  49. @sea breezy
    So do you really think we're gonna believe you and how you know zac and all that? If you respected zac or his life you wouldt go on some gossip blog site and comment? Raeally? So you just happen to know zac and his friends? And im sure you live in la. Ok move along

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  51. @sea
    You keep saying a movie of zacs ? What movie? Your so full of shit

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  53. @sea
    Your not making any sense, zac is 27 years old, if he really care a about his sobriety and his health, he wouldt be smoking joints in Europe , he wouldt be partying it up in Amsterdam and for all things this new chick he's seeing Sami miro is sure loving the attention she's getting from being a nobody to zacs fuck buddy, in a week or two, this girl knows what she's doing and zac is to dumb to realize she has her motives

  54. @sea_breezy That's bullshit. If he was hooked on pain meds his people would have come out and said that right away instead of saying it was alcohol. When TMZ exposed him for coke, his people stayed silent. If it wasn't coke they would have said so. You're full of it.

  55. @Sea---I take it Zac "is rich" lol
    cause that's what "rich" people do and its their right because he is young and "rich". Well he wont be that "rich" much longer if he keeps it up---or calls that weird "rich" old man. So have fun hanging out with the "rich".

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. @sea breezy
    Your telling me zac is single and not seeing this Sami miro girl? So your ok with zac partying and drinking with his friends? So you implying he's not clean or sober at all and he's not sleeping with Sami? So Sami is just another hook up for him?

  58. I thought cubsfan loved Zac? My world has been turned upside down! Or maybe cubsfan hates Sea_Breazy more than she loves Zac? I'm so confused.

    Sea_Breazy did YOU write that eloquent missive on Mr. Efron?

  59. @sugar
    what is your deal with me?
    why the fuck are you so rude and making fun of me?

  60. @Seabr--No worries I was just yanking your chain--and I believe you

  61. @derek
    so u do believe zac is partying and not sober? but shes saying zac doesnt do heron but drinks and parties? yet so u dont think zac is dating this new girl either?

  62. I just believe that seabr may run in the same social circles as Zac (stranger things have happened) I however think those people are either
    a. Turning a blind eye
    b. enablers
    c. Havent seen his troubled side
    Because the info I discussed has all been documented---its not gossip its fact.
    but his sexuality or heroin use etc its just gossip. BUT he has a shady history and hanging out with Michele R. doesn't reflect well on any sorta road to recovery. No clue about the "sober coach" but this blind is clearly directed towards her and Zac

  63. You have to be kidding me!?!?! Hilarious thread.

  64. I have it on good authority that Zac is an alien from outer space and he's been performing mind tricks on us all! He's really a hideous, slimy, burping, heroin doing, pill poppin, drunk purple alien with 12 arms and legs.

  65. @Sugar---I imagine him like those creatures from Troll 2!

  66. Derek doesn't randomly start fights with the homeless. He just goes online and harasses random people. Huge difference.

  67. All I took away from Sea Breezy's posts was:
    *She has mutual friends with Zac. Not close with him and not trying to act like she is. Just relaying what she has heard.
    *Zac isn't coke head or heroin user but his problem is more with booze and pills. My one argument here is that Oxyville is just around the corner from Htown very frequently. Again, her hand isn't jammed up Efron's ass so her finger many not be right on his pulse. But to the best of her knowledge, Zac is a pill popper and recreational coke head.
    *He isn't dating the "sobriety coach" because he's dating other people?
    *I will end by saying that people, especially famous ones, tend to hide shit like this really well. Just because she has not heard about it doesn't mean it's not true or that she's lying blah blah blah...

    So basically, Zac is a rich and famous version of my little brother. He's doing what a lot of young, good looking and charismatic men do in their prime years. But statistically speaking, a lot of these guys end up dead from their destructive behaviors. Hopefully Zac won't. If anything, I hope Sea Breezy's account is correct because the alternative is much uglier.

    People get so worked up over Zac, hot dammmmmn! FWIW, thanks for sharing Sea Breezy. The internet is a so-called market place of ideas for a reason, yo!

    1. Seabreeze deleted all their posts before I could read them.

  68. I admit I don't know much about Troll 2 but is this sexy bitch in it?

  69. Dang, yall got all vicious on sea and riped her a new one. So I take it yall believe all the blinds on here too. I personally take most of them with a grain of salt. Who knows what Enty or his 84,000 clones make up or embellish on.

    1. Exactly @Nemesis! Sea Breezy is no less legit than the fool whose blog we spend all this time on

  70. @Pip---suck my left one

    @Sugar---you betcha!!!! best worst movie EVER. You would love it---you must watch. It is so bad that there is a whole documentary made about how bad it was and its cult following.

  71. I believed Sea----it is not that strange to hang with celebs--I have. but he/she erased all the msgs?

  72. Aww @sea why did you delete?

    And yes I do believe there are some people on here that know and hang out with celebs. You all rock and I want to hear the stories and dirt on them.

  73. Sea Breezy breezed the fuck out of here :(
    People were not nice to me either when I first started posting. Let's try not to @hollywood dime anyone else out of CDaN, mmmmkay. (How ya doin boo! Miss ya dime!)

    LOL @Jessi. I know right? My favorite part about CDaN is that everyone thinks everyone is just this...
    None of us actually could have real lives or know anyone else famous otherwise we would not be on here.

  74. I wish she hadn't erased her msgs. They were very insightful in what may or may not be going on in Effron's life.

    Yall be careful with the whole ganging up on people that have a different opinion than your own.

    I frequented and was a reg at a very popular crime websit a few years ago. People seem to get a pack mentality on comments that contradict their own (the regs).,Even when they might be legit. I was a part of bullying (like what yall did today) and the site was shut down. Now the official reason was that the company ran out of money to run it, but I believe it was because our posts got out of hand towards each other.

    Btw, I also frequent this site but I rarely post because I've got nothing to say, just like Sea.

  75. Well I'll say what I considered bsaying hours ago...but didn't , and regret it.
    @sea_breezy I believt you 100%
    Whether zac presented himself to you as the dude he actually vis is another discussion. But I have total faith in yodefense/ recanting your experience with him...
    And you were challenged,ridiculed.
    been there ...And all i wish to saUbisoft come back and continue to share your life experience...a lot of us here are supportive as opposed to bitter that they, perhaps, haven't had them...

    1. Exactly Tricia. Been there, learned to ignore it.

  76. And so far no one has comment on RPattz looking just as fucked up as his friend Zac.

  77. Damn, had popcorn at the ready and missed the fun. Oh Great Pumpkin, where are you?

  78. @nemesis...I agree ad infintum RE: your assertions. Pack mentalities are best kept in the wild....
    Or if that's the only way one can function, than apply to a bizness model FFS and make make money; not to an open public forum where folks are meant to be freely expressive without verbal persecution/gif attacked.

    As for sea...probably a casualty which is sad because I wanted to hear more from his/her lucid, straightforward mind ..funny sea accused of being indulgent and contrived, when it took far less time to concoct her story than it is does for certain posters to reinvent/change their screen presences...

    Just sayin...

    1. Bullies are cowardly, even moreso online thanks to anonymity. It feels like playground nastiness, where certain people chanel their own unhappiness into singling out others. It makes me wonder what's lacking in their own lives.

  79. It also beguiles me that anyone would want to be anything other than-an individual...
    We enter the world as one/ we leave as one....

    That's really all we got, IMO, our unique , imperfect, authentic individuality...

  80. Tricia, you consistently accuse people of using multiple alts, and pretty much referred to a commenter as a street walker. Stop trying to be high and mighty. Your hands are as dirty as the rest of ours.

  81. @pip ..read the finer amended print; I intended to say ..purveyor of, or to break it down into simple terms...one who supports supplying/supporting ideas about someone they irrationally dislike or have discord with based on not hing more than trite ness or pettiness.

    I am far from sanctimonious ; but I am direct, fearless, and honest.

  82. If you took time go read me commenys(post comment) you would have potentially, understood my way of speaking is far more elevated than the pedestrian "street walker " term, and as such I expressed the idea that it referenced pack mentality BS best sold elsewhere..(as somewhere up post must get ciz they felt the same;)

    But I appreciate your checkin in ...

  83. munching popcorn....

  84. Oh @SM...you Kray...
    I just made a point......it's allowed right?

  85. @Tricia nobody can even understand you so if you're trying to make a point you may want to take one second to edit your blathering posts.

    1. Yet again. Someone who is not at all involved in the discussion, or has anything of merit to say. Also, another person's profile name being accurate and descriptive.

  86. @um bitchface. If u fail to comprehend basic English...I'd consult someone from your local community..maybe there's a program.

    My Vocabulary/approach was/is decidedly basic and appropriate when dealing with...you?
    blathering..as in...articulate?

  87. Zac. Fire the sober coach.

  88. Awww @Seabreeze I was just teasing you girl

    You said you partied with Zac - the blind implies the sober coach did too

  89. does anyone on here ever wonder who "enty" posts as in the comment section? it would be very easy to have two accounts. I've considered a few for a while, but nothing concrete yet.

  90. WOW! I am thoroughly impressed!

    This is the most attention that Zac has gotten since High School Musical ended. Way to go, team! We did it!!!!!

    1. Slow clap.

      ...and how about a group hug? We're all here in good fun, right?
