Monday, October 20, 2014

Today's Blind Items - The Secret Meeting

Several months ago there was a reunion of sorts. The pair had not seen each other in many years. Most people don't even know the pair ever met, but they had, and back in the day they even did more than just meet. The woman is an A+ lister. She has been A+ list for quite some time and was at the top of the world when they first met back in the day. She was following through on a wish he had made a few years before they actually did meet. When he heard that she was going to be in his city, calls were made and they spent a night ordering room service and having sex even though she was married at the time. It was something they both wanted as far as dinner went, but the extra entertainment wasn't planned. Since that day, the A++ list celebrity she hooked up with has moved on with his life and she has moved on with hers. Rarely did they speak to each other or even attempt to contact each other. Fast forward many years and our A++ lister and A+ lister were going to be in the same city again. Not his city this time but her city. Arrangements were made and even though at the time she was involved with someone again, the two hooked up again, but this time in her hotel room and with two sets of bodyguards outside the doors. Apparently our A+ lister was on a high for a week after this meeting and talks about it constantly to the point where a few months later she was in the A++ lister's city and wanted another meeting but he was too busy to meet. For almost two weeks she refused to leave her room except for required events because she kept waiting and hoping he would come by or call and he didn't do any of it. Since that happened she has never been the same. Something happened inside her those two weeks and she rarely smiles and has just not had the spark she once had. It is as if a light went off inside her.


  1. Barbra Streisabd and moves like Mick Jagger

  2. Damn, woman, get a hold of yourself!

    Interesting blind, though.

  3. Diddy & JLo? Oops Klondike??

  4. This is a much better blind...looking forward to the guesses!

  5. Mick Jagger and Jolie

    1. People know they met though since she was in his video

  6. I also think Angelina and I'd like to tell her that I totally get this.
    Sometimes, there's that ONE person who has the key to your lock and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.
    Dunno why I'm thinking Clooney.

    1. @Know Won Uno. Yeah, I had that one person, lost touch with him and when I googled him, I found out he'd died in '08. Damn, I'm getting teary-eyed thinking about him.

  7. Jolie/Bill Clinton because why not?

  8. Jolie led Mick around like a rag doll back in the day. He was the one pining for her.

  9. How can we make Farrell and Jolie fit for this?

  10. Britney spearsn/Prince William

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Tricia S That's exactly what I thought right out of the gate!!! Or Harry...

  11. Girlfriend needs to get a life! Sort of sad

  12. Britney/prince William

  13. Jolie & Prince William.
    A++ list 'celebrity'.

  14. Sorry came thru 2x..:(

  15. Madonna/Bill Clinton.

  16. Bill Clinton and somebody

  17. Jolie and Beckham or Aniston and Beckham

  18. Paul McCartney and Madonna

  19. I don't think this is a president only because they don't just show up at their booty call's houses with a boom box. This isn't motherfucking Scandal. They don't go anywhere without a small army.

    1. Normally I'd agree. But this is Clinton we're talking about. Clinton would risk catching Ebola to sleep with a truck stop hooker.

  20. I don't think the "light has gone out" on Anniston/Jolie or Madonna...that would apply to Britney, I would think .

    1. I remember reading years ago William admitted Bertney was his celebrity crush. If this is them, then wooooooooah.

    2. So brittany and JT? Sad if true.

  21. I'm with the Clinton guesses. He has enormous personal charisma that goes beyond looks - and this is from someone who doesn't necessarily agree with him politically. (Remember, it was Clinton who signed the DOMA and went back on his campaign promise to let gay soldiers serve openly, good old 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.') Prince William, Beckham....they're pretty, or was pretty in William's case, but I don't know if they have the magnetism to make a powerful woman sit in her hotel room waiting.

  22. Angelina and Jay-Z.

  23. But would Britney be able to pull off a secret meeting without her handlers knowing?

  24. Bruce Springsteen and Britney Spears lol

  25. Prince Harry and someone..

  26. @Lady, I would suggest that if this is Clinton, it probably happened when he was no longer in office.

    No idea who the woman is, but it would have to be someone who was 'at her peak' during the last 20 years. Jolie's peak is now. Streisand is a passionate Democrat, but her peak was in the 1970s. Spears is too young, and relatively apolitical, although she did clumsily express support for George W. Bush at one point.

    Madonna might fit, and Clinton does seem to like middle-aged blondes.

    1. Nutty: True. She could have been just that delusional. I still am tripped up about the part that implies that he moved on with his life. That would normally suggest he met someone else but it could mean he left office. So our crazy clingy A+ stars?
      I'll say Clinton with Rene

      I also buy it because I've heard Clinton actually insists on jogging around DC alone and often does.

    2. @Lady Hadn't heard the bit about jogging alone, but I believe it - Paul McCartney also walks around the streets of London by himself, and my friend recently stood behind him in line for a movie.

      Kind of stupid for Clinton to be out alone, though - it would be easy for some foreign power to kidnap him and hold him for some horrible ransom.

      'Moving on with his life' could be all the things he does with the Clinton Foundation, as well as helping his wife run for president. BTW, I read recently that Clinton and GW Bush have become close friends and sometimes spend leisure time together. According to this article, neither one speaks frequently with Obama.

  27. or better yet David Bowie and Britney Spears ; )

  28. I hear you, Nutty.
    Sometimes you can't tell the Magic Man from anyone else, though. Until they unmask. By then you're screwed.
    Do I sound bitter?

    1. @Kno Won Uno Nah, not bitter. But now you've gotten this stuck in my head.

  29. I was thinking JHo, but who for the guy?

  30. Kim Jong Un and Britney Spears

  31. I think my official guess is now Bill Clinton and Madonna. You could certainly say that 'the light went out' of Madonna several years ago.

  32. Oh crap, MeanieRhysie. I'm so sorry.
    That's one of my secret fears.

    1. Thank you. If you have that one person, my advice is not to put it off. Just do it.


    I remember William saying he wanted to meet Brit...reading he wanted to meet her(his crush) back in 2002 or so..

    Follow up article in UK paper with Brit saying he blew here off....

  34. Pop princess Britney Spears has admitted exchanging e-mails with Prince William about setting up a date, it was reported today.
    An audience member on The Frank Skinner Show told The Sun that Spears said they had talked about going for a meal but nothing came of it.
    The 20-year-old starlet came clean during a recorded interview with the funnyman last week.
    Rumours of a cyber romance between Spears and Prince William have been rife for many months but have always been denied by Buckingham Palace.
    A member of the studio audience told The Sun that Skinner asked how she and the 19-year-old Prince contacted each other.
    The onlooker said: "Britney said it was all done on e-mail. She implied they e-mailed each other a lot. She then said they were meant to go for a meal but nothing had come of it.

    Read more:
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  35. Theres no way of knowing whos right and wrong with this one. However I refuse to believe Clinton gets that ranking.

    My final answer is Kate Moss and David Bowie.

  36. Bill and Julia (when she was married to Lyle).

  37. Thinking logically we need male A++ associated with certain cities. That leaves at least Beckham (London) and Clinton (Washington) on the list. Who else fits?

  38. The blind implies that the light went out of her a few months ago ("several months ago" being when the reunion happened and "a few months later" being when he blew her off). Britney's light left her years ago.

    1. Karen: oh Jiminy crickets have I been reading this wrong? I read it as they first met many years ago but then had another meeting months later? Must re-read this mess

    2. Ok I think you're right but what a doozy this one is

  39. Well it may be Britney, but the guy isn't Hopez.

  40. If Clinton it would've stated " even though they were both married at the time"... Clinton's married for centuries/ beckam a long time as we'll.prince William only married., like 3 years ago....

    1. Perhaps Tricia.
      However if this is Britney, her light went out over a missed chance with the Ginger Beast Prince? I thought it was the mental illness, drugs, Adnan's landing strip, Lutfi smoothies, HIV allegations and the general trauma of being a 16 year old tricked out by the global media....
      Sharpens pitch fork for Prince Harry..,

    2. William...i said William. He named her as his crush in a n interview anroumd 2002....wished to meet her blah blah...then she toured couple years later(and was married to Federline(2004)
      Which is when they hooked up I take it...then again later...he blew her off...who knows when she lost it or why....buwho feel its them for some reason

    3. I do think your one to something, I remember circa 2002 when Brit couldn't stop raving about the Royals

  41. At LH..that is how I read it....he blew her off a long time ago, which was right after their secret mtg.

  42. nvmnd Kate Moss was not married many years ago...

  43. @Tricia- when was William in Vegas?

  44. Did Paul McCartney and Madonna ever hook up? I always heard it was George Harrison she hooked up with.

  45. Slightly OT but I saw Bill Clinton and Joey Lauren Adams this past weekend at the film festival in Hot Springs AR. They were at separate events but the same timeframe. Later on Sunday I saw JLA with her husband at a blues concert. I know she isn't this A+ lister and it might be coincidence but it was in interesting one. As Nutty said, he likes the blondes.

  46. George has been dead 14 years. Madonna's light have only gone out in the last few. and although she was in Shanghai Surprise, I read or heard that he couldn't stand her, but liked Sean Penn, whom she was married to at the time.

  47. Not Madonna. She doesn't strike me as someone who would wait around her hotel room and refuse to leave while waiting for someone to call. Plus, the blind says that most people don't know they ever met. She recorded a duet with Prince on Like A Prayer. Her and Clinton both spoke often about their charities working together (Raising Malawi and the Clinton Foundation). And her and Paul McCartney have been photographed together many times.

  48. I think Madonna for the woman. It has to be an obvious "dream girl". I got nothing for him.

  49. Re-reading "in his city" appears twice. A royal is only going to feel safe in London. Too much media when he travels.

  50. Vague vague vague. And we're really rating people A+ and A++ now? Though I get it, the man is even bigger than the woman. Which means it's probably not Madonna.

  51. I agree with that @Rose. I don't think Brit fits either.

  52. "It is as if a light went off inside her" could be a clue for Britney's song "Kill the Lights". Instead of being Prince William though, I'm going with Prince Harry since it doesn't mention the A++ lister being in a relationship. Also, most people would never had thought they had ever met.

  53. How about the sultan of Brunei and Angelina Jolie. Having feelings for a guy like that and then in turn being rejected by him would totally send you in a downward self loathing spiral.

  54. I'm going to say Bill Clinton and Gina Gershon.

  55. Could her city be when William and Harry came to america for thier friends wedding

  56. I am 100% with Tricia on this. I've read about william's crush on Britney before.

    And Kno Won Uno and Meanie...

    I'm with you too. The masked man has my key.

  57. Harry was in Vegas the same time as Brit.

    That said, as was mentioned before - Brit's light went out a long time ago.

  58. I'm with Trish. Everything seems to fit, and I could never see Madonna waiting around a phone for 2 weeks for anyone, but with Brit? Yeah. And the lights are definitely gone with that girl. Maybe he promised to make her Queen. Now who in the hell wouldn't be crushed after a broken promise like that?

  59. I still think Streisand and Clinton could be viable here.

  60. @ basil that's funny!we all are queen for a day suppose
    And brit was in London for her lingerie launch last month.

  61. I always thought Clinton and Sharon Stone hooked up.

  62. Queen Britney has a nice ring to it!

  63. I don't care if Clinton throws a tantrum and holds his breath, his Secret Service agents would never allow him to walk or jog anywhere by himself. It never happened, in DC or anywhere else.

    Angelina is A++ and everybody knows she had a fling with Mick. Everybody also knows that he was the one chasing her skinny ass and pining for her and not the other way around. I know she's the go-to answer for all things 're: sexy hook ups but, seriously, stop being so predictable. And I can't imagine Angelina hanging out in a hotel room for weeks without word being leaked by the underpaid staff.

  64. I wondered what they spoke about...boggles the mind.
    Louisiana catfish or beluga cavier?
    Macys or harrods?
    Growing up on the bayou or bucking ham palace....I could on and on....sincerely I wonder!!

    Who am I kidding-they didn't talk much at all, did they....

  65. I was going to guess Jolie & Jagger coz of all those old rumours about them but the end of it doesn't seem to fit Jolie at least.

  66. Show business...not a good business to be in if you're sort of sensitive. I'd never make it!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I'm saying not Angie because she doesn't HAVE a city. She and Brad live everywhere and nowhere.

    Also, because I'm pretty sure Angie ALWAYS planned to have sex with everyone she met back in the day.

  69. Madonna has the song 'Ray of Light'...which the clue could be referring to when saying the light turned off inside of her

  70. Johnny depp might be A+++
    Maybe Sandra B. And Keanu

  71. I think the biggest clue about the woman is that she checked into a hotel and didn't leave her room for two weeks. Sorry, but Angelina Jolie has six kids. And Britney Spears doesn't exactly travel to a distant city and stay for two weeks, does she? I thought she had handlers.

    I'm thinking about an older woman. And for some reason, I'm thinking about an actress. But other than that, I got nuthin'.

  72. Good story but far too vague with the celebs. One is presently A+ and was higher and cheated on her spouse with this guy who is A++. I suppose back in the day indicates theyre over 43 or 44. Hmmm.
    Janet Jackson ...... dunno.

  73. Renee Z went pretty "lights out" for a long time but she was married so briefly that it's hard to imagine she had time for a fling. Maybe Julia Roberts? Is Hilary Swank A+ for a little while every time she gets an Oscar?

    Britney's too young, Cher & AJ wouldn't hole up & pine for anyone, Sharon Stone was never A+ & Bullock has proven that she grits her teeth & moves on PDQ.

  74. Meryl streep/Bill Clinton

  75. what about Jennifer Aniston and Simon Le Bon just to be totally random...

  76. Am late to post (was offline yesterday) but Barbra Streisand & Prince Charles fit. There were rumored to have a fling years ago.

    He's A++ and she is A+; he would require the 'two sets' of bguards outside the door. He's based in London and she in LA.

  77. This is 100% not Britney and Prince William.

    Britney did not come to Europe once whilst she was married, so it isn't him. When Brit was with Kevin she was 'retired' in malibu for 2 years, doesn't anyone remember.

    I do think that it might be Britney and Justin though.
