Thursday, October 02, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This actor has been in so many different projects and is probably B- at this point although there was a time not that long ago that he actually was the lead in a big box office release. He looks more like a character actor and he has been playing the same type role forever. As a teen in a great comedy to what he does now. He just has that look. Anyway, he was filming a show in a college town in the northwest and during filming ran into some college students and heard the story about a friend of theirs who had to leave college because the parents of the student made too much money to qualify for loans but didn't have any money to pay for college. The student was working two jobs to try and save enough for another semester and had been working two or three jobs the entire time they had been in school. When our actor heard about the student he met them and then also talked to a couple of administration people at the school and long story short is going to pay the tuition and room and board for the student for the remaining two years of school they have left before they graduate. Our actor makes a good living, but this is still a pretty large expense he has taken on and a very happy ending for the student and a lot of good will for the show to come back to town and film again.


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