Monday, October 27, 2014

Today's Blind Items- Child Support Deadbeat And Much More

One of the reasons the husband of this A list mostly television actress from a hit network show has not been seen as much lately is he is involved in a big drama of his own. He is being hit from multiple angles about child support cases and at the same time being threatened with blackmail. At a trial that is about to start, our husband is going to be confronted by one of his past make lovers who was with the husband at the time the child in question was conceived. Apparently the husband admitted to his male lover that the child was his and this is all going to come out in the trial. Of course if the husband is willing to fork over more money then the mystery man will not appear on the stand. Of course for more money to exchange hands, the wife is going to have to get involved and write the check. She certainly has done that before to help her husband out of another child support jam he was in last year. Anything to keep up the pretenses that this is a normal husband/wife relationship. 


  1. Washington or Marguiles

  2. Why am I seeing Ellen Pompeo and her husband in this?

  3. So who's the daddy of Washington's baby?

    1. Her co-star, Tony Gwynn, supposedly.

    2. Tony Goldwyn Lol

    3. The dead baseball player??

  4. You want us to say Kaley Coocoo dont ya Enty?

  5. Sounds good, Tricia.

  6. I want details, Enty. DETAILS!

  7. " nNnamdi Ashonga" is on the birth certificate I believe...@RR..also they are married and "in love" (coughs)

    1. Yes, on the birth certificate. But if ots "allegedly" her costar, um...isnt he kinda white?

    2. Yes..he's all been shrouded shrouded in la mystery from day 1

    3. Well the mystery should be over by now. Pretty sure white+brown makes a very different color than brown+brown.
      These people must be rather dull.

    4. Word.or Maybe just presume people won't pay attention after awhile...or they'll keep her like rapunzel in a tower till

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love a good witness tampering on a Monday morning

  9. OT...@Sandy- saw your note the other day about ordering more goodies from Tastes of Chicago. Hope you're enjoying!

  10. Isn't this what DNA tests and Maury are there for? The blackmailing gay lover seems redundant.

  11. Hey Lady H! What up??? I've been working too hard and haven't had time to play on CDAN :( Just quit my job, so I may be back more frequently when I'm done with my two weeks!

    RE this blind - I REALLY don't want it to be Kerry, but I think Tricia got it!

    1. Congrats on the quitting!! I hope it's a good thing and opens up opportunities you looking for....and you can play here!

    2. On to bigger and better things, I hope! Glad to have ya with us sweetie!

  12. I had a veggie pizza on Thursday @Candyland it was good. The beef works are still in the freezer and the other pizza is too. A lot of Italian beef and cobdiments for it.

  13. Unless Olivia Pope has been slapping self-tanner on her baby, there's no way Tony Goldwyn is the father.

    At least she's not like KimK, who flaunts Nori around like a fashion accessory (when she remembers her, that is). No wonder the poor little girl looks like a mini Jaden Smith!

    1. Great job @seven! First semi pix I've seen of Isabella

  14. This blind seems to be about a (bisexual) man who fathered a baby with a woman not his wife. His lover knows about it and is threatening to spill (and presumably force the husband to pay child support) unless the wife writes a check. k Washington doesn't really make sense here, since the rumors about her are that her baby isn't her husband's, not that her husband has a bunch of baby mamas.

    1. Jeez thanks. My peabrain just can't keep up sometimes!

    2. Thank you for this...I just didn't have the energy to type all this out. Scandal shippers just cannot live in a world where Kerry and Tony aren't madly in love.

  15. @Beca That's the way I read it too.

    Maybe Marcia Cross or Mariska Hargitay for the actress?

  16. This is supposed to be Kerry Washington's husband, Nnamdi Asomugha. The child(ren) in question were conceived before they got married (although one would have been conceived when they were allegedly dating, which is strange).

    I don't know why Kerry would write a check to help him out of this. It's not like Nnamdi doesn't have money.

    I think the basic ideas that Nnamdi has other children (one for sure, not sure about the second), that he may not be supporting them sufficiently and is dealing with the courts, and that he has had male partners, are all correct.

    The rest, I think, is speculation or embellishment.

    Kerry really needs to disengage from this situation. As for the father of her child, I am not convinced either way on that one. Skin color doesn't prove paternity. The situation has been strange from the start, and she has been incredibly secretive. Those are red flags.

    1. FFS she has always been secretive. If someone isn't on the level of Kim Kardashian oversharing, they're automatically shady? Get over it!

  17. Bite your tongue, including Mariska!!!

  18. Didn't Enty post a pic of Ellen Pompeo recently noting she was alone again?

  19. It's Washington and that fake husband of hers. It's no news that he is a deadbeat, he has two children that he pretends don't exist. And let no one be fooled into thinking he is bi either, he's gay. He was pressured by his family to produce heirs because well, they don't want to deal with a gay man in the house being a public affair. Still gay and closeted, which is why he had a male lover while one of the baby mamas was pregnant. As far as Kerry Washington's daughter, all those paparazzi sightings were staged and in no way was her actual daughter involved, under a blanket or not. Get a clue. All staged. You have never seen and will never see even a trace of her actual daughter as long as she's a baby and they need to hide her. KW just needs to understand it's time to stop it with the lies and run, because her image she is so obsessed with is soon going to turn into a disaster, by being part of this scumbag's scandals by association. It's much better to just admit to the reality of being in love with a decent and very respectable man. Tony Goldwyn, that is. And don't even try the "married" card because everyone who has eyes or is informed, knows that his marriage has been over for years. This pathetic deal of Kerry Washington and the football player needs to end. He doesn't have nearly as much money as people seem to assume. He squandered it on failed projects and on male escorts. The Eagles deal only gave him about $5 million because he never fulfilled contractual obligations, and money goes fast when you lead his lifestyle. That's why she was the one to pay to keep his problems quiet and the fake marriage ongoing.

  20. Messy. Whoever this is cut your losses and go.

  21. Rosie Riveter, I have no thoughts, just events to observe. Ask KW what she thinks, lol. Not that she will tell the truth. Ask Enty, he's much more likely to tell the truth. In fact, he already has.

    Auntliddy, exactly.

    1. You seem close the story. Do you work in this bizarre business as well?

  22. Well, thanks for sharing, DarrylH!


    1. @Meanie, based on previous comments, I'm wondering if someone hit on or had an affair with Mr Kerry Washington and is still bitter about rejection. It's kinda creepy (and more than a little condescending).

      Enty is no more likely to tell the truth about any given blind than Lindsay Lohan is to tell the truth about any given sober Saturday.

  23. I didn't share, Enty did, multiple times. He revealed blinds, too. If you want to keep thinking whatever you think, go on. Shrug. Being so obstinate in one's blindness is a free choice, too. No one can take it from anyone.

  24. Kerry Washington, no doubt.

  25. "The rest, I think, is speculation or embellishment."

    Agreed. Maisie. Enty is starting to be all over the place with this child's (KW) paternity.
    Which means he doesn't know. imo

  26. Darryl seems close the story. Do you work in this bizarre business as well?

  27. Deff Kerry W. I just don't understand one thing - this whole mess they created is way messier than her coming out as being with Tony G. What was the end game here? And she should quickly fire whoever advises her, because they do piss-poor job on that.
    DarrylH, how do you know stuff? :D

  28. God do you have nothing more to do??

  29. Devil, only explanation is, he's still married.

  30. Being involved with a married man is less messy than being involved with closeted gay man who has two children he fathered to prove something, imho

  31. Hmm. but the public doesn't know or believes he's gay. There is no evidence. Mainstream media doesn't know he has a couple of children he doesn't support either. Overall, they know little about him.
    What is known publicly however, is that Tony Goldwyn is still married.
    KW, like many in Hollyweird, is trying to protect her image.

  32. You Scandal shippers need to get. A. Life. Seriously bordering on pathos. And basing this on ENTY's shoddy "blind items..." Pathetic.

  33. I want to say Halle and Olivier just to be different. He seems like he will sleep with anything with anything with an orifice.

  34. I'm going with Halle too

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I think its might be Ellen Pompeo closeted black men hide behind white women big time. Or

    The Lady with the short hair from Once upon a time, Jennifer Goodwin i think that's her name..crossed my mind for some reason.

  37. What a fucked up situation. Id rather ordinary life than this kind of drama.

  38. Sometimes I wonder if the Kerry/Tony gossip is drummed up by the PR team for Scandal...

  39. So we're supposed to believe that Kerry's husband has numerous babies born out of wedlock in addition to his kid with Kerry that supposedly isn't really his? And he's gay to boot? He's really busy, that one.

  40. @Aeol- it appears that we are agreeing. I said if its
    Kerry+Tony (brown+white) it would be obvious versus Kerry+Nmadiwhatev(brown+brown)
    No worries tho :) im happy to see we agree

  41. What does brown+white = obvious means? No one publicly has seen the her baby. If you're talking about skin color, then it's not so obvious. Biracial people have brown skin....

  42. Maybe Ellen pompeo new baby is Chris with another woman and she took custody? ?

  43. Just to be different Clay Aiken and his baby mama who has loads of that David Foster money Brody Jenner wishes he still had access to.That's one crazy domestic situation that requires her to pay all his bills while living on another coast and never seeing him. I can see her paying clean up money for him, if he was drunk enough he might have a go at a girl. If drunk enough. But boyfriend blackmail most definitely.
