Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sugar Bear Still Hasn't Done Anything

Another day has gone by without Sugar Bear filing any paperwork or doing anything affirmatively to get his daughter away from the child molester. Apparently as part of his parole, Mark McDaniel is allowed near all the kids he wants to be near except for Anna, who he was convicted of molesting. Every other child is fair game and if that does not make you angry, then Sugar Bear not doing anything to protect his daughter should make you even more angry. I have seen several interviews with the guy and he talks a lot, but he seems more concerned with how he is going to make a living now that the show has been canceled rather than the safety of his daughter. He is just letting June walk over him like she always does and he seems fine with it. Child Protective Services is taking a look at the whole situation, but won't do anything unless someone in the family complains or they see some kind of violation. If Sugar Bear brought this to a judge, his daughter would be his in a matter of a few minutes. Maybe he doesn't want to raise her. 


  1. And he is NOT going to. Anyone who has seen the show knows he was totally whipped and walked all over by Mama June. I'd be pleasantly surprise if he got some cojones and yanked his daughter and the rest of the girls away from their mom and the pervert

  2. This makes me sick. He sure wanted to be around Honey Boo Boo was she was pulling in those 6 figure paychecks!
    Somewhere Kris Jenner is consulting a lawyer regarding the adoption process.

    1. PMK is in the fetal position, crying bc he's doing it all wrong.

  3. I watched the show a few times and believed these people to be ignorant. Now I realize it's simple stupidity. God help those children.

  4. Nit picking here but McDaniel was convicted of molesting another child, not Anna. June did not believe her when she told her about it and she went to live with her birth father.

    I don't even watch this show and I know this.

    1. Actually she lived with her grandmother.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can't understand how the grand jury dismissed the case with Anna. Sad another girl had to suffer to get him sent to prison. It was very brave of Anna to step up and come forward as a victim of his.

  7. He lost his job, is living in a trailer with no water or electricity, borrowing small sums from friends

    He has no suitable home for a child

    Not that June's home is safe either

    Trainwreck everywhere

    1. What?? Didn't he get paid to be on the show? I know reports are that Mama June is worth a million and HBB $800,000, so you'd think he would have at least that much.

  8. HOW does Sugarbear have NO money? That show was a HIT and he must have made almost 6 figures last year.

  9. This whole family is a lazy mess.

    And I am willing to bet ST will be first in line to file a civil suit in the event HBO is molested by the guy.

  10. Why is everyone assuming Sugar Bear is a good guy? Mama June has dated 2 convicted pedophiles that we know of (1 is still in prison). This woman has a type. So excuse me if I'm giving Sugar Bear the side-eye, but Mama June seems to pick men who will like her due to the easy access to her children...she seems just fine with that (after all, one of her children was molested and she STILL went on to put her youngest into child beauty pageants which are known for exploiting/sexualizing children and attracting pedophiles!).

    Figure out the psychology of that on your own...maybe Mama June was molested so she thinks it's normal or no big deal. Maybe an adult blamed her so she blames her children for "enticing" the predator...who knows!

    But lets not start acting like Sugar Bear is a hero just because Mama June is a villain.

  11. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/10/tlc-sugar-bear-mama-june-custody-battle-shannon-mark-mcdaniel-mike-here-comes-honey-boo-boo-sex-offender-broke-unemployed/

    “June has all the money, and he has not seen any of it,” Lindsay said of Sugar Bear, who currently resides in a mobile home TLC paid for. “He is not doing very well. He took the split hard, and now this comes along.

  12. Thats probably why June refused to marry SugarBear! and the fact she was still in love with that other scum. The truth ALWAYS comes out.

  13. He's not really the biological father …….

  14. Maybe Alana is not his child

  15. According to his friend that gave the Daily Mail interview Sugar Bear is penniless to hire a lawyer or even afford a place with electricity. I have no problem believing June kept the money from the show. Now she's blowing it on that pervert. Someone like him isn't going to know where to go or what to do without money.

  16. All four of the girls have different fathers, all with criminal records (one of whom is a convicted sex offender).


    Sorry I can't make it click, I should take notes on that. SB isn't that bright, so I can see him getting screwed in his contract and virtually all money from the show going to June.

    You can't tell me that TLC was unaware of this family's history when they decided to give them a series. That infuriates me, too.

    1. +1million on your last paragraph!!

    2. The trial was public knowledge. TLC knew about it.

  17. Didnt Rosie O Donnel offer to buy them a house years ago? She should help them out NOW when the kids ACTUALLY NEED IT.

  18. Sugar Bear probably has half a dozen brain cells and they're fighting.

    He is not going to step up, man up or do anything. No one should be surprised.

  19. Supposedly he is living in a trailer with no running water and electricity. Hasn't seen any money from the show - June has it. I suspect he has nothing to fight with nor has any idea or enough brain power to even know what he can do.

  20. So TLC uses these idiots for their biggest hit and then just pulls up stakes and takes off when something very un-politically correct happens?? Not sure what they could/should do to try to protect honey boo but seems like they are more than happy to wash their hands of it.

    1. Just like a circus.

    2. I assume ratings must have been down and dropping anyway so they won't get hurt.

    3. Sounds like every reality show fail ever. It's all fun and games until a pedofile enters the picture.

  21. Yeah he has no interest in raising her.

  22. "Figure out the psychology of that on your own...maybe Mama June was molested so she thinks it's normal or no big deal."

    I think that this is in fact the case. Sick...and sad.

    "You can't tell me that TLC was unaware of this family's history when they decided to give them a series. That infuriates me, too."

    I concur on both statements.

  23. Whoever writes this blog needs to start getting it right about the molester, who was convicted in another case, not in Anna's. Because Enty has repeated the misinformation multiple times now and it's inaccurate and just sloppy, and it's very likely Enty is equally sloppy and wrong in all sorts of other accusations here -- it's entirely possible Sugar Bear is in fact very concerned but (1) just isn't smart and needs guidance on what to do legally and (2) has no immediate good lawyers and/or resources. Enty wouldn't know and clearly doesn't care about the details here.

  24. Sugar Bear is skeered of June.

    As am I.

  25. Anna probably got paid for everything on TMZ. She should file for custody. She could handle it.

  26. Oh give it up! He'll never get off his dead ass to do anything. He doesnt want to raise alanna- that involves effort, getting up on time, making dinner, etc. nah, to him its just another day in dogpatch.

  27. According to other reports, the abuser hasn't done anything wrong and until he does, he can live in society and mingle with people. Now that June knows this, she will be up his wazoo. He is only using her for the money. Someday the money will be gone - what happens after that?

  28. What if this is all spin???

  29. Someone needs to represent Sugar Bear pro bono. I believe that he is destitute. June has control of all of the money. Even Anna said that she hadn't received her share. June is a sick, greedy pervert,

  30. These parents are human garbage. I cannot believe that social services can't do a thing knowing what they know about the whole situation. Outrageous!!!

  31. I've also heard that June keeps ALL of the money supposedly in all of her daughter's best interests (all four of them), somebody needs to get a lawyer.

  32. Obviously I don't know if this is true, but in the show they always talked about how much SB works and in the first season he worked 7 days a week.

    That doesn't seem lazy to me. I think he probably believes June still and is in love with her and didn't believe she would let anything happen to HBB. He also is probably really overwhelmed and doesn't know how to help himself and his daughter in this situation.

    I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I don't know anything.

  33. I'm pretty sure he's not going to court because there is a good chance that June will just say Boo Boo isn't his, a paternity test will be ordered and Boo boo will be another "I don't know" kid. Maybe he wants to spare the child that. Creepy family.
